Day 15: Family

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Day 15: Family
Poppy and Branch's Family host a Family Bachlor/Bachelorette party since the couple are soon to marry in 6 days. (Day 21).

Poppy and Branch weren't really planning a bachelor/Bachelorette party because it wasn't there style even though Poppy was considered a party animal, and because Poppy wouldn't really enjoy the celebration because she would be too busy making sure everything is perfect.

When Poppy told Viva that information, She and Smidge took it upon themselves to plan a Family Bachlor/Bachelorette party to celebrate the couple getting married soon. It was a small party filled with Brozone, Satin & Chenille, Biggie & Mr. Dinkles, Dj Suki, Guy Diamond & Tiny Diamond, Fuzzbert , and King Peppy.

"Come on Smidge where are you taking us?" Poppy asked desperately holding on to Branch's arm as they were both blindfolded and couldn't see where they were going. Smidge stopped in her tracks causing the couple to bump into her making all of the fall to the ground. Smidge grumbled "We're here, you can take off your blindfolds now." Branch and Poppy took their blindfolds off only to find themselves outside of the fun dungeon.

"Why would you lead us here?" Branch asked suspiciously. Smidge not really in the mood for his questions gestured them to follow her inside. They went inside but couldn't really see because the room was super dark. "So why are we here?" Poppy asked squinting to look at the small troll shadow. Before smidge could say anything the lights turned on. "Surprise!!!!" Yelled each and every one of their friends and family who jumped out from their hiding place. Poppy and Branch looked around in shock. "What's going on?" Branch asked. Viva spoke first. "Well since you guys didn't want a Bachelore/Bachelorette party we made a version to celebrate with family before you get married." Poppy and Branch smiled at each other. "Thanks guys, we really appreciate that."

Dj Suki started the music getting the party started. A little while later the Trolls sat around and ate their dinner until King Peppy grabbed their attention to give a speech.

"Poppy, my dear, you have come so far. You have a heart of gold, and I am honored to call you my daughter. Branch, you have brought out the best in Poppy, and I am grateful to you for making her happy. I wish you both a lifetime of love and happiness," King Peppy, his voice breaking as he spoke.

Poppy was moved to tears by her dad's words, and as King Peppy finished his speech, the two embraced in a tight hug. It was a moment of pure love and happiness, with both sobbing uncontrollably. "Thank you for everything, Dad," said Poppy, her voice choked with emotion."Of course, my dear. ," Branch is part of our family now." replied Peppy, wiping away his daughter's tears with a tissue.As the night went on, the future newlyweds and their guests danced the night away, celebrating the love between Branch and Poppy.

AN: Day 15: Family
Next Day 16: Holidays
The rest are background characters for this chapter.

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