Are You Blushing?

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The power goes off and Poppy has to deal with a really flirty Branch.

As the rain came down in sheets and thunder rattled the tiny Pod's windows, Branch sat with Poppy in her Pod, safe and comfortable and playing card games. Poppy was in her pajamas, shorts and a white button up Branch had left at her place that she claimed as her own when he never bothered to take it back. Branch was in casual and comfortable clothes he was normally in and both were sitting cross legged on the carpet in the small living room next to the tiny fireplace in the corner.

The teal troll seemed to be concentrating on the game and the cards in his hand, but he kept stealing glances at Poppy, particularly the long and lovely legs he adored that were so rarely exposed to the degree they were that evening. He couldn’t help himself really, not when Poppy was right in front of him looking as beautiful as she did when she was so relaxed and wearing his shirt. Branch never thought his shirt could look so good and he wouldn’t dare take it back from her lest he never see her in it again.

They wrapped up their game of cards and Branch stood to get a drink.

“Want some tea?” The teal troll asked as he sauntered into the kitchen.

“Sure,” The Pop Queen replied, shuffling the deck of cards.

After putting the tea kettle on, Branch wandered back into the living room, but stumbled in surprise when a loud crash of thunder shook the Pop and the lights went off immediately after. Branch barely managed to avoid falling on Poppy by catching himself with his arms braced on either side of her as he fell.

Branch couldn’t see anything in the now completely dark room, but knew Poppy was beneath him giving him a warning glare to stop hovering over her and move so she could sit up again. Even knowing that though, he couldn’t help wanting to tease her by doing something she would no doubt yell at him for.

The teal troll grinned and lifted one of his arms, slowly moving until he found her knee. Branch traced the back of his hand up her thigh to her waist in an exaggerated leisurely pace, and he felt Poppy stiffen minutely beneath his touch, which only made Branch grin wider. Her silence spurred him to continue dragging his hand along the side of her body until her reached her face and stilled his hand, cupping the side of her face and smoothing his thumb over her cheek.

“It’s pitch black in here and I can see you’re blushing,” Branch murmured, leaning toward her.

The Pop Queen stiffened even more and huffed.

“What do you think you’re doing?” Poppy said through a sigh, not in the mood to play his games. The power being out meant that the heater was also off. It was cold outside and her Pod would reflect that soon if they didn’t get a fire in the fireplace going. “Let me up so I can light a fire…”

“You’ve already lit a fire,” Branch whispered, breath tickling her ear. “…In me.”

The Pop Queen rolled her eyes and shoved Branch back, causing him to lose his balance and fall over on his side. Poppy smirked and almost laughed at the idiocy of his attempts to flirt with her. He wasn't so smooth with women, but when it came to her, it seemed like most of his usual suaveness flew out the window. Maybe she just knew him too well.

“Well, if that’s the case, why don’t you use that fire to start one in the fireplace, sir.”

“You’re terrible, Poppifer,” The teal troll groaned from his place on the floor next to her.

Poppy chuckled at that and found his arm to give him a playful shove.

“Stop being ridiculous and help me out before we freeze.”

“I can think of a few ways we can stay warm.”

If Poppy could see him, she knew Branch would have the biggest smirk on his face.

“I might be more inclined to go along with your ideas if you help out first.”

Branch was on his feet in an instant.

“Yes, ma’am!” he exclaimed and quickly went about finding his coat in the dark and fishing his ignition gloves from the pocket.

Branch found his gloves and quickly pulled one on, snapping once he neared the fireplace, resulting in a warm blaze that filled the small room with light once again. Poppy found some candles and strew them around the pod, Branch following her and lighting them as she went.

“Now, how about that tea?” Poppy said, looking at Branch expectantly.

Branch sighed and went to the stove, lighting one of the gas burners with a snap so the water could resume heating. A while later, the two were enjoying a nice cup of tea by the fireplace, a shared blanket wrapped around both their shoulders as they sat on the ground leaning into each other.

“This is a nice way to keep warm,” The Pop Queen mused, sipping at her tea lightly, knowing Branch was probably annoyed that she had thwarted his attempts to seduce her.

“You know, I have to agree,” Branch replied, much to her surprise as he turned and gave a soft lingering kiss to her temple.

Poppy's lips curved up into a warm smile as she snuggled closer to Branch.

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