Chapter 68

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Ariana's POV.

Without saying anything he turned around leaving me all shattered. He went out and everyone looked equally surprised by his behavior.

Coming into my room I locked the door. I was feeling too broken with his words. He broke me today. He has crossed all his limits by asking me about the father of his child. Doesn't he trust me?

I shivered when the sound of thunder fell in my ears.

The weather wasn't pleasant. I took some steps towards the window to close it as the wind was blowing very fast.

I closed the window and my sight fell on the the leather diary. It caught my attention once again. This time I noticed that there was a picture peeking out of the diary. I took it out and got the biggest shock of my life.

Turning the pages I noticed a piece of paper slip on the floor. It wasn't just a piece of paper but a letter.

I opened it and read.

The door busted open and Alaric came in.

Anger surged in me when I saw him calm and composed as if nothing happened.

"I want to see you now." He said to someone in a very sweet voice over the phone.

His voice sounded extra sweet and smile never left his face.

I clenched my teeth but didn't ask him anything.I carefully placed the thing that slipped from that diary.I was feeling disgusted the way he talked to me and questioned me about the child infront of everyone.

I wiped my fresh tears and stood up. Washing my face properly, I dab it with a towel to dry.

Coming out of the washroom my sight fell on Scarlett.

She came in without even asking.

"You asked for my presence?" I was shocked. He was talking to Scarlett.

"Yes, I wanted to ask you something." She nodded trying to suppress the excitement she had  and he continued, "Can you go on a date with me?"

What the fuck is wrong with him? He can't be serious!

She looked so happy and the way she glared at me when he asked this I felt so hurt. I wanted to murder both of them.

"Ofcourse Alaric." My eyes welled with tears as she again looked at me with pity.  I threw the towel away when she left the room.

Is he not feeling guilty? He wants to date Scarlett is the last thing I can ever imagine.

"We aren't divorced yet and you want to date my step-sister already?" I asked and he completely ignored me as if I don't exist. My teeth clenched and my hand ready to slap him once again.

I held his arm, "I'm talking to you." He jerked my hand.

"I'm not interested in talking to you." My eyes began to leak. I can't believe he can say something like this. Tears were staining my cheeks and I decided to let them fall.

Then stride towards the cupboard, "enough now." I unzipped my bag and kept all my clothes in it. I can't live with him. First, he humiliated me and now he's doing all this divorce thing.

He didn't think even once before going to Scarlett. I hate him.

He came out of the washroom and looked at my packed bag.

"What is this?" He asked looking at the luggage. His tone so calm and composed as if he's not the reason behind my pain and he did nothing to create the turmoil in my life.

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