Chapter 28

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So this Chapter consists Alaric's POV do let me know how it was in the comment section.

And don't forget to VOTE. I'll update asap if I'll get more votes and comments in this chapter.

And ASAP means tonight and if not tonight the tomorrow if my condition is fulfilled.

Till then enjoy😘

Ariana's POV

I couldn't believe it.

It was none other than Alaric lying shirtless on the bed beside a women with closed eyes. She had his cheeks cupped lovingly and she was murmuring something looking at him.

My eyes turned teary.

I remember when he was lying with me and looking at me lovingly. That day i felt loved the way he kissed me and hold me.

When i looked at them again. I couldn't hold my tears. I came out and saw Belle. I immediately wiped my tears.

"I was looking for you. Come on let's go home."

I nodded.

When I came home Rodrigo was already there.

"Where were you?"

"I was with Belle." I replied blankly and came forward,"Didn't i asked you to stay away from Vincents."

I was silent. Looking at the floor struggling a inner battle.

"Answer me." He shouted and i looked at him. I was feeling numb. My mind was unable to process.

"Why did you went with her? Did you went to see Alaric?" He raised his eyebrows and I didn't replied anything.

"Don't piss me off answer me. Will you?"

He shouted and i flinched.

"If you tried to meet him ever I'll lose my calm and you will be responsible for my actions after that." He warned pointing his fingers towards me.

"Don't worry I'll never try to meet him again." I assured and came in my room.

I always knew he had a girlfriend why am I so shocked if he's sleeping with her.

I wiped my fresh tears. It was his compulsion to marry me because his parents said so. I was a fool who thought he likes me.

But now that I've got to knew that he already has someone in his life. I won't disturb him.

Everyone deserves to be happy.

Alaric's POV.

I was sitting in my cabin. I was looking at some new projects and designs made my some employees.

I clicked on a file and saw a tree house. For some mere moment i froze.

I remember the time when we were about to kiss in the tree house.

I leaned back and tilted my head back. I remember the time I got married to Aana.

One whole year passed. Only I know how I've been controlling myself all this time.

In this one year She never tried to contact me neither did I. Dad asked me to stay away from her till her studies complete.

But it's getting difficult now. Knowing the fact that she loves Derek. My heart broke.

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