Chapter 11

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Ariana's POV.

We entered the party. We were the late comers. Before us everyone arrived.

I saw Derek and Sir talking to each other. They both were looking so handsome.

Aunt Jennifer came towards me and hugged me and Belle,"you both are looking beautiful."

"Indeed." I heard Derek saying.

He looked at me smiling and took me with him.

"So how do I look?" He asked shoving his hands inside his pocket.

"Handsome as always." I said and his face fell down.

"As always!" I chuckled at him and saw my parents along with Scarlett coming in. I went to them and mom looked at me with so much adoration in her eyes.

"I don't remember buying this dress for you." She said thinking about it and i told her that this was gifted by aunt Jennifer.

Scarlett's face hardened when she saw me wearing this dress.

"This dress would look better on me." She said and I scoffed at her.

"Who are you kidding!" As soon as this words left my mouth I heard a monstrous laugh. I turned back and saw Derek laughing at her.

"I'm sorry. I remembered a joke." He looked at her and laughed harder.

"Excuse me." I said to mom and tried to find Belle.

She was busy in talking to Aunt Elena and uncle Eric. I saw Sir standing beside her along with them. I didn't even took a single steps towards them.

One incident is enough for making you love someone, hate someone and ofcourse fear someone.

I've always seen him calm and composed but i know he only seems quite but deep down inside there's a turmoil inside him. He have a calmness and silence just like weather before storm.

I still remember his anger. He's so dangerous when angry.

"Aana." I turned and saw Uncle Eric and Sir standing infront of me.

"It's been long i haven't talked to you properly." He said and i smiled.

" How's everything?"

I told him everything is fine. I saw sir beside him. And felt his eyes on me.

I talked to many other people and again saw the same man whom I saw that day.

"Uncle Robert!" I said and he heard it. A smile appeared on his lips and he nodded looking at me as he was busy in talking to someone.

After talking to everyone I went to the counter with Belle. I drank some juice.

While drinking I saw Derek dancing with someone.

"How does it feels?" She asked me looking at him and i laughed,"Nothing he's just dancing."

"Seriously! I mean i would murder the girl who even tried to look at my man." She gulped down her drink in one go.

"I don't like anyone eyeing my choice." She said and gulped down another drink.

My eyes stopped at sir. He was surrounded by many girls. Ofcourse he was one of the beautiful men present here. They were talking to him and touching his hand and shoulder. He seems uncomfortable.

I diverted my gaze to the counter.

"Business parties are always boring..." We were looking at people greeting each other formally and talking about business and projects.

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