Chapter 43

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Ariana's POV.

I was sitting with Belle. Why does Samuel dad doesn't want us to be together.

We are already living seperately. I miss him so much.

I saw Miranda staring at me continuously!

I ignored her and focused on the lecture.

The bell rang and i kept all my stuff in the locker. I found a note there. I opened and read it. My eyes widen when I read what was actually written in it.

Alaric's whore!

My eyes turned teary and i crumbled it so nobody can read it.

I was blinking my tears back when my phone began to ring.

I picked it up. It was an unknown number.


"Hello beautiful!" A strange voice I heard. It was first time I've heard him.

"Who are you?" I asked but he chuckled.

"You don't know me ofcourse." I immediately hanged up.


"Who is it?" Belle asked and i turned towards her and saw the crumbled note,"wrong number."

I fisted the note tightly feeling bad.

"Okay I'm not gonna attend the next lecture. I'm going to the library." I nodded.

I was walking thinking about the note when my phone rang again.


"Hello Ariana!" Again some strange voice. But he was not the previous guy. I looked at the screen and again kept it on my ear.

"Who are you?" I asked and my heartbeat increased.

"One of your lovers." I hanged up feeling annoyed.

How did he got my number?

Who was he?

I was thinking about it and my phone again rang. It was again unknown number. I licked my dry lips.

I gulped down and picked it up,"Hello baby."

"Who is this?" My voice shaking and I was feeling scared. I bumped into someone. I was not in my senses. I picked up my phone.

"I'm sorry." I said to the guy without even looking at him. I saw him looking at me and he kept his phone on his ear and replied.

"So you're Ariana!" He looked at me and i gulped down when I heard his voice from my phone.

He smirked and hanged up.

"Where have you been all this time?" He asked looking at me from my head to toe. His eyes stopped at my breast.

"Why haven't i noticed you earlier?" He asked and i gritted my teeth the way he checked me out.

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