Chapter 41

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Alaric's POV.

I came home and saw dad. He looked so serious and intimidiating.

His eyes stopped at me and he came towards me. He held my hand and took me inside his room.

He looked at me and then rubbed his temple.

"I told you then why are you still meeting her." He questioned. He sounded serious and worried.

"Dad I can't stay away from her. It's already been a year...." I reasoned and he held my frame.

"I'm asking you to wait till she graduates. She's still young and sensitive." He requested and i removed his hand. I held it firmly in my palm and looked at him.

"I know and I'm still waiting. I haven't crossed my limits." I explained and he made me sit on the bed.

He looked distressed.

"Listen to me from now on you won't meet her." His words shook me. I stood up. I was feeling angry. She is my wife. How can he demand something like that? I'm already staying away from her all day and now he doesn't even want me to see her.

"But why?" My voice came out louder.

"Because I said so!" He shouted and i gritted my teeth,"From now on i don't want you to meet her. If you want you can talk to her on phone but i don't want any type of physical contact between you two." He was serious and i was angry. Since childhood his words were my command but today I can't do it. He's my father and I respect him a lot but this...


I'm not capable of doing that. I can't stay away from her. My eyes turned teary and red thinking about all this.

I looked at him standing infront of me in authority. I didn't wanted to disrespect him but i wanted to argue with him. Why is he saying so? There must be a valid reason for it.

"Dad give me one good reason. I'll do whatever you'll say." I demanded an explanation for all this orders. I'm already doing everything he asked for and now he's asking me to detach from her completely.

"Don't forget I'm your father! I don't have to give you any explanation." He knew I never disobeyed him and he was sure today also I'll accept whatever he'll command.

"I want to know the reason. I know there must be something you're hiding from me. Tell me what is it?" I asked dad and my throat dried. Questioning his decision was not my thing. But today it was important.

I'm already doing everything in my power to obey his orders. I didn't tried to contact her meet her for one fucking year and now when I started spending some time with her he's asking me not to.

"You're questioning me!" He raised his eyebrows and i stood firm. I nodded as i was trying my best to control my anger.

"Cause I don't trust you!" He groaned and i looked at him in disbelief.

"I know since childhood you've anger issues and I don't want you to do anything with her in anger..." His words left me stunned. I was thinking that my dad... My best and favourite person can say this. I surely doesn't have any control on my anger but i know I won't do anything with Aana. I love her a lot. She is my happiness.

A tear escaped my eyes and he took a step forward to wipe it but I held his hand.

"Not everyone vents their anger on bed, like you." It was the first time I've ever talk back to him.

"Alaric!" I heard mom shouted from behind. She came forward.

She stood infront of me and looked at me angrily,"I've never expected you to disrespect your father like this. How could you talk to him like that? Apologize now!"

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