Chapter 48

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Alaric's POV.

I was feeling weak. Typing a brief message to one of an intern about the special request of a client, I was thinking of the torturous one week I had previously.

My fingers typing but all i was thinking about the treatment I was getting from last one week which didn't worked. And my body got fucked up.

My fingers stopped as I saw Mr Austin Reed coming through the glass walls.

Leon knocked and let him in. I welcomed him with a smile.

He came and sat infront of the mahagony desk that seperated us. I kept my palm on the desk flat and he smiled back at me.

"Good morning Mr Alaric Vincent." I nodded and greeted him back.

"Good morning Mr Reed." He waved cutting me off and I bit my inner cheeks.

Did I say something wrong?

"You can call me Austin come on. I'm not that old." He encouraged and I appreciated.

"Okay Austin."

I chuckled forwarding the catalogue of furnitures and designs.

He was going through it and I was noticing his expressions. His expressions were something that one can tell he seemed uninterested in whatever he's watching.

Flipping the pages uninterested one by one until he reached the last page. He audibly heaved.

"I want your designs!" He stated and I nodded registering his words. I'm exclusive and I charge extra for my work and goodwill. Mostly people don't go for my designs as they're so costly. And I'm very much aware about it but I value myself and my work. I know I'm a brand.

"Can I..." He reached for my designs that I was currently working on. I gave him a nod and he spin my laptop. The smile on his lips deepened,"Exactly like this." I smirked hearing him.

I turned the laptop towards myself and shut it down.

"Okay fine. I'll have to finish a project before that." He nodded and stood up.

"I'll let you know when I'm free." I stood up and we shook hands.

His eyes zoomed on the greenish mark on my forearm that was caused during the treatment around my veins.

"What's this?" He asked never leaving my arm.

"This happened during my treatment. I wasn't feeling well back then." I told and he nodded.

"Take care of yourself. You're valuable to many people." I looked at him and he completed,"I'm talking about your father." I smiled and he took his hand back.

"See you soon."

He left and I concentrated on my laptop screen.

What's my wife must be doing right now?

I smiled as she popped in my mind.

I came home and saw Aana in the kitchen. She was smiling and chopping something with mom and Belle talking to them.

I leaned towards the door frame of the kitchen and looked at her.

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