Hoseok (J-hope) ~ Interest

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This is a request from @Hobilover2468 hope you enjoy. 

Again sorry for the late updates, tbf, i am since this week doing a lot better now. Still have to figure somethings out in life but will get there!

It was a hot summer day, the boys finally had a small vacation. All seven of them had two weeks of alone time. All of them are planning to go in different directions. Most of them traveling back to their families, with being an idol it is hard to keep on seeing your family weekly or even yearly. Hoseok can't remember the last time he went home and he couldn't wait to leave.

Hoseok is sitting on the couch watching how is brothers are running around the house gathering stuff they might need during their own little trips, his phone is in his hand but the chaos around him is the only thing he wants to see before leaving.

He doesn't want to make it a bit thing but every time they leave for a little while, he misses the chaos, misses the voices, misses the atmosphere. But it doesn't changes the fact that he is ready to leave to see his family.

"Hoseok-ah." The staff comes walking up to him. "The car is ready if you have everything we are ready to leave."

Hoseok nods thank fully as he gets up from the couch and looks around to his brothers.
"See you guys in a few." Hoseok yells as the members all stop in what they are doing, that is when Hoseok notices Namjoon sad smile. Hoseok walks up to everyone to give them a hug and as he reaches Namjoon he stops.

"You ok?" he whispers. Namjoon nods but Hoseok can see the lie in his eyes.
"I can't go home, my parents are feeling well, they don't want me to come and get sick."
"You want to join me and when you parents are ready you can go to them?"

Namjoon seems to think for a little moment before nodding his head and agreeing on it.
"Hurry get your stuff." Hoseok says as the others also continue, as a small ten minutes go by Namjoon and Hoseok are both ready to go by waving the others goodbye and leaving in one of the cars.

"Don't you think you parents would mind?" Namjoon asks as he closes the door now starting to feel a bit uncertain.
"You know them. They are as much your parents as mine."

Namjoon smiles knowing that it is true, the special bound between the members and the special bound between the parents and them. Hoseok smiles looking at Namjoon who is getting lost in his thoughts following by Hoseok looking at the driver, he can see a uneasy feeling of the driver. The is sweat on his forehead, his knuckles are white from holding the wheel to tight and lastly he keeps on looking in the mirrors at the two members. Their eyes meet for a brief moment and that is when Hoseok is sure something is wrong.

Hoseok takes his phone out not wanting the driver to notices that he can feel something is wrong before he send a text to the person next to him.

Something is off...

Namjoon receives the text immediately and looks weirdly as he sees that it is Hoseok who sends it, but through the years they have learned how to keep their communication under the table.


Idk, the driver something is wrong

Namjoon tries to look at the driver without the driver looking but it is all to late. The driver looks one last time at the boys as he knows something is going to happen.

"I am so sorry." He whispers but loud enough for the two young man to hear it before he loses control over the wheel. They can hear how the air is leaving from the tires and the car spins and they is no controlling it. The boys bodies go with the movements of the turning car, hitting their head against the window as the driver has already loses consciousness.

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