married life 2

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Kidda Jones  Shakur pov  right  here, kidda. I smile and am not used  to being in tjr fornt. Yeah, we been out before, but  never  as a married  couple   this out fist time out as a married  couple   am enjoying  being  married  just not something  I always  thought  of, but  he never  rushes me. Is anything   like that  he always  said? I never  wanted  u to  put your  life on hold, but like I told him, I forgot  u suck with me  I took a break to go with  him to  Ice  Cube  movie   firday  after the next permire  thank  yall for coming  now  u know  well no time  don't worry   I know  u a bit worried  about  it I was to  just remind  yourself  u know  him better  than  anyone  does  he had to ask to go out  this  whole probation  thing  u know   just five years  that's  all I think now I think back on how we meet it was misunderstanding  at fist but we got passed  it  thought   I know  it been hard on u  all the  stress  n all that  yeah it has not going to lie about  that  at all we have to work thought  a few things  u know  that  right  yeah  always  remind  me  of  that am going to keep reminding  u know  well let's go going I have a day off but u always  came to my stuff  so its fair  I come to yours   so yeah marriage  is hard but we work thought  it together.

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