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1992 Tupac Shakur's pov is the point we can show n prove n young black male can accomplish anything. Ambition  means power n respect  u got to be  ambitious  to be scared like in Shakespeare's Tragedy I didn't  have a script  for Juice even though  the whole firm  even  I read the whole thing  it's God when u were in the School of the Arts there no jobs  for black actors get any job so I started rapping   so rapping paying off  so I started  to work with digital underground  I was interviewing for  e news talking  about  u the movie how I grew up  which was true somewhat  u good  man yeah why wouldn't  I be u were   pretty I have to make it  believe  it right  this was my first acting job o guess  they were wrong huh yeah  I did become   the Character  to yeah I was worried  for a second  what's  up nigga  u wild  mam u almost  get onto with  them too but I was alright  yeah man thanks for coming to know I had a problem   I had to  promote  the movie right  yeah  hopefully  I'll talk  about  some real stuff going  on  I have to be honest  as possible   right  yeah well  we all have to do presss  talk about  alright  no problem   well am ready  wen yall  are  alright  we going  to ask some people  alright    they started  to ask the questions  they wanted  to ask  at least show how smart  i am yeah thanks so  much.

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