Glossary: Who is Horus?

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(Notes: I did not compose this page on my own. I just made slight edits. This page is only to help the readers understand more who is actually Horus, and this page is not part of the novel. Let's say this is like the glossary). 

Horus was a significant and revered god in ancient Egyptian mythology. He was known primarily as the god of the sky, war, and kingship. He is usually depicted as a falcon or a man with a falcon's head, symbolizing his connection to the sky (in this novel, I made him a man with a falcon helmet)

Horus was the son of Osiris and Isis. Osiris was the god of the Underworld, while Isis was the goddess of magic, motherhood, and healing. Before Horus was conceived, Osiris was ruthlessly slain by his own brother, Set, the god of chaos (the detailed story will be covered later on the 'Osiris' page). In other words, Horus was made after Osiris was resurrected from death (in the real world, don't ever practice this because a dead person cannot produce children).

After Horus grew up, he battled fiercely with Set to reclaim his father's throne. This epic conflict, a metaphor for the eternal struggle between order and chaos, resonates with the depths of human emotion.

Horus's eyes were significant symbols. The right eye, representing the sun, represented power and protection, while the left, represented the moon, symbolized healing. The "Eye of Horus" became a powerful protective symbol in ancient Egyptian culture, often used in amulets and artwork.

As the god of kingship, Horus was believed to be the protector and ruler of Egypt. Pharaohs were considered his earthly embodiment, legitimizing their rule and linking them to the divine. There was also a belief that the first human king of United Egypt was his son. The name of that king was Narmer.

In summary, Horus was a crucial deity in Ancient Egyptian mythology. He embodied the principles of protection, kingship, and the eternal battle between order and chaos. His legacy included the iconic Eye of Horus, a symbol of protection and healing that remains well-known today.

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