Chapter 27: Set

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Day 42 (Morning)

Nearing the mid-day on the fifth day, Set arrived at the market. Even though most buildings were in the middle of redevelopment, the people had started resuming their daily activities, including the businesses. As Set was walking past and through all of them, he reminiscenced the moment everyone would bow down to him or the other gods upon noticing their presence. Thanks to Osiris and Horus who proposed and approved the stupid separation, this phenomenon was now remembered only as a history. Determined to revert the situation back to when he was reigning, he decided that his first order of business would be the removal of this layer, once he finally took back the throne from Horus and the unworthy Ramses.

Set headed towards one gate of Pi-Ramses. Soon after he exited the city, the angels' squads landed through the pillars of light. Almost at the same time, Set's armies emerged from the ground. Both sides then lurched towards each other, with battle cries filled the air.

The angels' breastplate was quite tough; Set could only create a little dent upon stabbing more than six times with his sword. In the past while dealing against the other gods, he could pierce them after two or three times hitting the armor. Surely any armor could not be that heavy, or it would terribly slow the movement. However, just by looking at it, he knew that the thickness of the angels' armor was just like the other gods' armor. That validated his theory that anything created by Yahweh would be much stronger than the earthly things. No wonder Nut told him that in the very first battle against the angels, Horus intended to use the poison of Serket's Deathstalker.

Set did not feel hesitation upon learning the truth. Instead, he felt more challenged. Knowing that the greatest weak point was the wings, he chanted the spell to summon the floating daggers again. The magic that he once used to sever Osiris into 42 parts now led to another quick victory, as it targeted not just the angel he was dealing with, but also the other angels near him. Their formation was broken, and as they could not focus on protecting their wings, Set's soldiers were able to wound or even chop them off.

The daggers kept moving to the other angels as one by one started falling to their death. Some decided to fly to avoid them. However, once they had been targeted, the daggers would keep chasing them. Eventually they would manage to sever the wings, making the angels plummet to the ground and become easy prey for Set and his soldiers.

Despite the effectiveness, Set could not add more daggers. Realizing he could not count only on one magic, he summoned his horn and blew it. Before long, his chariot arrived and he commanded the rider to move towards the area where none of the daggers had flown there.

Set started chanting a spell. When he finished, the angels fighting in the area he was staring at were suddenly sucked into the sand. The moment when they could no longer move their arms to swing their weapon or defend themselves, Set's soldiers would simply behead or slit their throat.

Set stared at another area. Even though this magic cost a considerable amount of energy, he intended to repeat it at least four times again. It still would not greatly reduce the number of his enemies, but he believed it would instill fear into their hearts. Once they were terrified, then it would even be easier to slay them all.

A big object overshadowed Set from above when he was just chanting the second line of the quicksand spell. He immediately raised his head, only to see that it was Mandjet. Unexpectedly, a large beam of white light flashed from the boat towards the area targeted by Set; all the angels fighting there were instantly scorched to death. As the beam did not harm his soldiers, Ra must have used the spell to shield them all. Still, instead of feeling relieved that the sun god was helping him, Set intended to protest at him; he also wanted to know the motive, as from the beginning Ra had opposed fighting Yahweh. Was he just like him, secretly aiming to become the King of Egypt again?

Set leaped to the bottom of the boat and climbed up to confront Ra. "What are you planning to do?" he asked as he aimed his sword.

"I want to teach these angels a lesson," Ra said as he looked over his shoulder; he then focused back on the battlefield.

"What lesson?" Set asked; he still did not lower his sword even though Sekhmet and Bastet had been standing behind him, ready to strike him down at any time.

"Jehoel and Nuriel have caused so many innocents to die due to their sphere of fire and hailstorm. I know they did that because of Horus' stubbornness. However, they should have done something to spare our people from this disaster."

"I don't believe you. You must be planning to become the King of Egypt again, hence you're taking advantage of my situation."

"I shall never take the throne of The King of Egypt ever again. If I break this vow, for the next one thousand and five hundred years I shall be chained to the highest mountain in Duat every time I've defeated Apophis."

Ra then proceeded with chanting the spell to bind the vow, hence he could never break it.

"Even if Nut did not recklessly free you, I would still do this to the angels. However, thanks to you for gathering them here, I can easily accomplish my plan."

Set lowered his arm and walked to the right side of the boat. "Don't die silly, old man," he said, before he leaped over the gunwale and landed back at his chariot.

Ra's Mandjet immediately moved again, and so did Set. He commanded his rider to move to the area where his soldiers seemed to be pinned down by the angels, and he repeated the quicksand spell. Unsatisfied, he searched for the area that fell into the same category; occasionally he released his inner energy to the angels as the chariot flew past them. When he finally found the place and repeated the spell for the third time, he started to feel heavy on his chest. Even though his original plan was to cast the magic at least two times again, he decided to change his mind. Probably he actually needed more days to be fully recovered, after a thousand years being denied of his own divine power. However, as he could not just leave the battlefield and ask the soldiers to go on without him, he chose to just slay the angels with his sword and spear.

Set commanded the rider to carry him to an area he pointed at, and he jumped and successfully beheaded an angel who almost pierced his soldier at the heart. He then turned around and pierced an approaching angel with his spear, right at his throat. Without waiting any longer, he pulled the spear and dashed towards a group of angels ready to strike him down with their bows.

Suddenly, a bright light blinded Set for a moment. Slowly opening his eyes, he was made aware of an angel standing between him and the archers. The most conspicuous thing from this one was the armor was covered in shiny gold, unlike the rest of the angels. His wings were also not pure white, but a bright blue like the sky on a shiny day. The sword on his hand was thinner and covered in silver; a shadow of flame occasionally flashed across the surface. Set knew who this angel was, back when he was still reigning. He was what everyone would call the strongest and mightiest of the archangels. He was The Archangel Michael. 

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