Chapter 24: Horus

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Day 36 (Night)

Having his chariot land on Ramses' room balcony, Horus noticed that Isis' chariot was already there. Hearing how his mother had performed half-healing on everyone, he guessed she was doing the same thing on the human king. He decided to wait a little while until she and Nephthys finally came out to the balcony.

"Are you still persistent to tell the lies inside Ramses' dream?" Isis asked.

"I will not change my mind, even if Yahweh sends fire onto our land, just like what he did to Sodom and Gomorrah."

"Horus, it's not prudent to say anything like that," Nephthys said.

"I don't care about what I'm going to say," Horus replied. "Now excuse me, as I have to enter Ramses' dream soon."

"Horus," Isis called, but he simply walked past her.

Ramses was apparently still in pain, even though Isis had half-healed him. Not wanting to waste time, Horus chanted the spell to put him to sleep. Once the human king had entered the dream realm, he chanted the spell that allowed him to enter it too.

"Ramses," Horus called; he who was sitting on the throne immediately got up and knelt down before him.

"My Lord Horus, why did you come here instead of summoning me to your place?"

"I don't want to waste my time explaining it," Horus said. "Hear my command now. You shall release The Hebrews tomorrow."

"Release The Hebrews?" Ramses asked; confusion flashed across his face. "If I may know, my Lord, what is the reason you changed your decision?"

"All this time we've been fighting so hard against Yahweh and His troops. Not to mention He always used dirty tricks, just like I once told you."

"He's surely a coward for committing them!" Ramses exclaimed.

"There's no need to express the wrath, Ramses," Horus said. "However, I have to admit that Yahweh's dirty tricks made Him an opponent that should not be underestimated. Even though we are more powerful in the aspect of strength, we could not keep the situation like this. Otherwise, our land would be ravaged by even more disasters."

"What should we do then, my Lord?" Ramses responded; worry flashed across his face.

"To prevent more disasters, I have decided to have a truce with Yahweh. You shall release The Hebrews tomorrow, and then Yahweh shall pay you back with gold and silver beyond your imagination."

"Yahweh will do that?"

"You can trust me."

"I trust you, my Lord," Ramses said. "But...," he left his words hanging. "I'm terrified of Lord Geb."

"I know Lord Geb dragged you to Duat. For that, allow me to apologize to you on his behalf."

"It's my sin to disobey you and him," Ramses said as he faced the floor.

"You don't have to worry about Lord Geb. I have told him to stay back and accept my command without any questions and rejections."

"I shall then accept any commands you give me."

"Your response and faith pleases me," Horus said. "Now as I have conveyed everything, I shall leave."

"Tomorrow I will do exactly your command."

Horus nodded. He then turned around and chanted the spell to return to the real world.


(Day 37)

The Egyptian Gods and The Ten Plagues of EgyptOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora