Chapter 34: Osiris

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Day 45 (Night - Pi-Ramses)

"What have you done?" Osiris immediately asked.

"To you, or to the people of Egypt?"

"I'm unable to express wrath," Osiris said. "But that does not mean you can act stupid in front of me."

"To the people of Egypt, I've taken the life of their firstborn, as it was the absolute order from Yahweh," Azrael said. "To you and your team, I simply made you relive your near death experience."

"Why did you do that?"

"Because it's the unique gift bestowed to me by Yahweh, and because it will be more effective than physically fighting you."

"It's shameful to use that ability in a fight."

"It is more shameful to compose a make up story, simply because you don't want to admit your defeat," Azrael said. "Besides, why would I be ashamed of using the gift that Yahweh has given me?"

"It's still not a noble way to fight."

"Perhaps you're right. However, if I choose the method that you consider to be noble, then it will just waste my time and energy."

Osiris raised his spear. "I'm going to kill you now."

Azrael shook his head. "The aftereffect of this power is to make you temporarily relive the trauma of being near death. Unfortunately, as you're unable to feel afraid, this aftereffect doesn't apply to you."

"Prepare yourself."

"I'm always prepared. However, it would be much better if you prepare for what's coming soon."

"As you've said, I'm unable to feel afraid," Osiris said. "So, a squad of angels will not terrify me at all."

"I never said you have to prepare for a squad of angels."

"I don't care even if – ," a loud thud at Osiris' right interrupted him. He turned to it, and was surprised upon seeing Anubis standing not far from him; however, Anubis' legs gave out and he fell to the ground. He crouched and held his stomach, as if he was suffering pain there. His breathing rhythm was also faster than normal. Osiris immediately approached knelt beside him.

"Anubis, tell me, what happened to you?"

Anubis trembled. He moved his eyes to Osiris, but he was unable to speak anything. Osiris quickly turned to Azrael. "What have you done to him?"

"Exactly what Yahweh did to you."

"A near death experience in the past?"

"Correct," Azrael said. "It was the moment when Cerberus, the three headed dog belonging to Hades bit him on the stomach and swallowed him alive, wasn't it?"

Osiris did not respond. It was because his brain played back the moment when The Olympian gods came to attack Egypt. When Cerberus wanted to consume the souls, Anubis attempted to deal with the beast himself, as Osiris and Ammit were busy handling the beast Hydra. One of the heads then managed to snatch, bite and swallow him. Fortunately, Ra came and severed Cerberus, thus he was able to save Anubis before it was too late.

"Another one will come soon," Azrael said.

Osiris's eyes immediately trailed to every direction, until they landed on an approaching pillar of smoke from the sky. That pillar then reached the ground, creating the same thud sound Osiris heard earlier. The smoke then dispersed, and it revealed Ammit to be standing there. Like Anubis, her legs gave out and she fell to the ground.

"Ammit, are you fine?" Osiris asked after he knelt beside her.

"He... Hela!" Ammit exclaimed as she held tight both of her elbows; she also trembled and her eyes widened.

"Hela?" Osiris responded confusedly.

Ammit's eyes trailed to Osiris. She then grasped both of his arms tightly. "My Lord, save me from her!"

Without thinking twice, Osiris chanted the spell to put Ammit to sleep; it was the same spell Set used on Horus. After making her lay on the ground properly, he stood up and looked at Azrael.

"The only near death experience Ammit ever had was her fight against Hela," Osiris said.

"One of the Aesir goddesses and the ruler of Niflheim," Azrael said. "Did you witness the fight?"

"I didn't. But I did know that it brought her near death, and it traumatized her for quite some time."

"No wonder my power made her relive that moment."

"I really can't let you get away from this," Osiris raised his spear again; a shield also materialized in his left hand. Azrael also drew out both of his swords. However, two Horus' soldiers suddenly emerged from the sand. They immediately approached Osiris and bowed down to him.

"What's the urgent matter?" Osiris asked.

"We have news from Lord Horus."

"That's impossible," Osiris said. "His wake up time is still tomorrow."

"But Lord Horus really has woken up, my Lord," the left soldier said. "And now he requested for your presence, as the demons are hunting the souls of the firstborns."

Right at that moment, Osiris realized that some firstborns might not yet master the entire spell in The Book of The Dead, especially for those who were still learning the hieroglyphs. Even those who already memorized and understood it might still die in the hands of the demons if they did not chant the spell properly. Considering it was unfair if the young firstborns died because they had not mastered the spell, Osiris decided to bend his own rule. After commanding the soldiers to take care of Ammit and Anubis, he walked back to the city where his chariot was, then commanded the rider to return to Duat at once.

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