Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

Mallika and Jiya were talking about Abha.

"Tell me one thing, Jiya: What was Abha's attitude after your pregnancy? What kind of talk did she have with you, and whether she had fed you anything before leaving the house on the day you met with the accident?"

"Like everyone else, Abha also expressed happiness when I got pregnant. She took care of my food and drink. But one day, seeing my bad mood about pregnancy, she advised abortion indirectly. The thing was said in such a way that I did not feel anything wrong after hearing about it. But by then, I had become serious about the child, so the question of abortion did not arise.

During my pregnancy, I was not allowed to go out alone.On the day of the accident, Vikrant had said that he would take me out for a walk, but when he did not come on time, my anger increased, and I told Abha to tell the driver to take the car out. But she said the driver was away on some urgent work and kept the keys to the car in front of me. I was just leaving with the key when she brought the juice and asked me to drink the juice. After drinking the juice, I left the house.

As I was driving, my head suddenly began to spin, and my eyes closed. Mom, the reason for the accident was not anger; it was the dizziness that came due to pregnancy."

"Jiya I think that behind your accident, there was also the hand of that miraculous juice of Abha. She wanted to shoot two shots with one arrow, that is, to kill you and your child up together. Your child died, and you survived."

Jiya hadn't thought of it that way.

"Mom, I can't believe that the Abha can go to such an extent."

"In selfishness, a person can go to any extent, whether he is a friend or an enemy. After dinner, you go home."

"Mom, what if Rahul comes back to the room?"

"So you will know whether you really want Vikrant or not. You didn't drink the juice she made today. I hope it will be easier for you to control yourself. If you love Vikrant, Rahul won't be able to do anything with you; otherwise, you are wise. What can I say?

Remember that you will cook your own food in that house. Don't even drink the water served by her."

"Can you answer one question honestly?"
"Do you really love Vikrant, or is it because of his wealth?"

"You still don't trust me?
I love only Vikrant. I have never thought about Rahul, even in my dreams. That day I locked the room; I don't know how he entered inside."

"Abha has been taking care of the house for so many years. Of course, she must have 'the'master key' to every room in the house. She was sure that Rahul would definitely come to your room at night. She might have kept the door open while you were asleep. She is a shrewd woman; she can go to any extent."

"She is out of the house most of the time, Mom. That day, she sent me to Rahul's room on the pretext of giving him medicine."

"Jiya has made a huge contribution to dousing this fire. Well, don't think too much about it. You rest now."

Mallika stopped Jiya from thinking about it, but she couldn't stop herself from thinking about it.

She knew that no one could save Jiya's marriage from breaking up now. Rahul and Jiya's illicit relationship is going to ruin their marriage. It is obvious that, after knowing the truth, Vikrant will break this marriage.

It is better for her to tell Vikrant the truth herself than for him to know it from someone else. At least there will be some honesty in the relationship.

Jiya had gone home after having dinner with her mother.

Abha and the children welcomed her with a smile. After spending some time with the children, she went to her room. She started looking for the hidden camera in the room, which she did not find anywhere.

After talking to Vikrant on the phone at night, she was trying to sleep when Rahul came in without knocking on the door.

On seeing him in the room, she got angry.

"Get out of my room, Rahul. Whatever happened yesterday will never happen again. I don't want to cheat on my husband anymore. So get out of here."

A sarcastic smile came to his lips.
"Yesterday night, you were having fun with me, screaming my name in pleasure. After spending such a beautiful night together, now you are cutting me off. Why didn't you think about your marriage and your husband last night when we were lost in each other's arms? Stop showing your fake loyalty to your husband."

"It was a huge mistake, and I do not want to make it into a sin by repeating the same mistake again and again. And anyway, in the morning, you were pointing fingers at my character, and now you have come to spend the night in the room of the same characterless girl."

"The way you behaved in the morning made me angry, and in anger, a person says a lot of things that he should not say. I apologize for the wrong words. Forgive me."

"Okay. I accept your apology. Now get out of here."

Rahul was slowly coming closer to her, professing his love. He had a notion that this time too, the moment he will touch her, she would stop resisting and fall into his arms. As he moved to kiss her lips, a slap fell on his cheek again.

But instead of backing off, Rahul tried to forcefully kiss her. This time his touch didn't entice any emotions in her; she strongly resisted him and kicked in such a place that he retreated back, groaning.

"'No means no.' Rahul, understand this very well, and now get out of here."

Rahul was furious. She didn't expect her to behave like this. 

"The marriage you're trying to save ended last night in this bed of yours when you were repeatedly calling my name in pleasure. Now there is no benefit to becoming a trustworthy wife."

"Remember, we are both equally responsible for this sin, Rahul. If I am punished, you too will not be able to escape punishment. You must have known Vikrant's anger."

Rahul went to his room. Today, there was happiness in the place of tears in Jiya's eyes. She immediately called her mother.

"Hello Mom, I did not falter in front of Rahul today. His touch made me feel nauseous. When I slapped him to stop him, he tried to force himself closer. Then I kicked in such a place that he ran away.

Mom, I'm very happy. There is no restlessness in me today. I love only Vikrant and no one else."

Jiya was repeatedly saying, I am fine, mom, I am fine.

Hearing this, Mallika took a deep breath. She was relieved to hear this.

Jiya didn't eat breakfast in the morning.Abha brought juice for her.
When she refused to drink the juice, Abha started convincing her, like elders.

"If you don't take care of your health, you will become weak, and then Mr. Vikrant will say that I did not take care of his wife properly."

"Okay, Abha, you're pushing so hard that I'll drink."

As soon as Abha left, she kept some juice for the sample and threw the rest away.

She had gone to her mother's house after giving a sample of juice to Dr. Reena. She was just waiting for the report to come.
Soniya Jadhav

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