Chapter 41

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Chapter 41

Anu and Mayank loved Abha as much now as they did before, but the love was a bit divided due to Jiya's arrival. But Abha began to feel as if the love for her in the hearts of the children was decreasing day by day. She never forgot how the whole family went to dinner without her.

Sometimes things aren't as bad as we think. It's all about understanding. Often, we understand what we want to understand, whereas in reality, the situation is something else. The same thing happened with Abha.

Jiya never tried to take anything away from Abha, but due to the feeling of insecurity and jealousy that arose in her own mind, she began to misunderstand everyone. This thought had transformed her from a positive person to a negative, selfish person.

With a lot of hard work, she had played this game, and the time had come to reach its climax.

She wanted to end this game as soon as Vikrant came, but she thought, Why not let Jiya stay in confusion for a while? She is very fond of getting surprised and giving surprises; why not suddenly give her a surprise that will bring her from the sky to the ground in one stroke?

Jiya had not been feeling well for several days. Because of this, she went to stay at her mother's house for a day. She took a pregnancy test, which turned out to be positive.

There were tears of joy in Jiya's eyes and lines of worry on Mallika's face.

"Are you happy with this news?"

"Yes mom. This is my and Vikrant's child."

"It's okay, but the danger is still not over. If Vikrant gets to know the truth about you and Rahul, you are bound to get divorced. Vikrant will never accept that this child is his. How will you take care of a child in such a situation?"

"If God has given me the child, then he will also give me the strength to raise him. Whether Vikrant will support me or not, I don't care, but whether you will support me or not, I want to know, mom."

"I'm always with you. All I want is that whatever you decide, do it thoughtfully, not by getting carried away by emotions."

"Mom, I will give birth to this child, irrespective of the fate of my marriage."

"Okay, Jiya. But you must keep this secret as long as possible because you are not safe in that house. If Abha gets to know about your pregnancy, she will again try to harm you and your baby.

You shall not eat any food or drink water in that house, either from her hand or from the hand of the cook who cooks there. I hope you understood what I meant. At the moment, this news will also have to be hidden from Vikrant because, as soon as he gets to know about the child, he will be very excited, and then everyone will come to know about your pregnancy."
She started spending most of her time at her mother's house. This time, she was mentally prepared for this pregnancy. By following the advice of her dietician and doctor, she was getting fewer problems with vomiting and dizziness.

Vikrant was doing his work in the office, and Jiya was watching him sit in front of her.

"If you look at me with such love, how will I work?"

"Am I not even allowed to see my husband with love now?"

"It's nothing like that. If you look at me like this, my attention goes away from work and gets stuck in you. Then my heart wants to leave work and make love to you, which is not possible here because this is my office, not my home."

Hearing this, she started laughing.
Then came the call from his secretary, Rajesh.

"Yes, Rajesh."

"Sir, a CD has come in your name, but the address of the sender is not written on it, and urgent is written over it. Would you like to see CD now?"

"Yes, send it. I'll see when I get free."

A peon brought CD into the cabin.

Jiya asked, "What is this Vikrant?"

"I don't know; some unknown person has sent the CD in my name, and it has Urgent written on it.
Please look at the CD on the laptop; what is so urgent about it?"

Vikrant was busy on his Zoom call. She was playing the CD. As soon as she pressed the play button, her eyes stayed open, and her face began to sweat with beads of perspiration.

She immediately stopped the CD, put it in her bag, and went inside the washroom. She took a deep breath and exhaled to calm herself. She washed her face, patted it dry, and came out.
The meeting had ended. He had to leave for another meeting.

"I have a meeting at the Waterstone Hotel. I've got to go now."

"Ok, Vikrant, you go. I will come home by evening after spending some time with mom."

Vikrant made Jiya sit in her car and start walking towards his car. Then he turned back and asked.

"What was on the CD?"

"The CD did not play; it was showing an error. I threw away the CD. Don't take it so seriously; someone must have made a joke."

Anyway, Vikrant had to leave for the meeting, so he did not pay much attention to it.

As soon as he left, Jiya breathed a sigh of relief and left for her mother's house.
After reaching her mother's house, she took out the CD from the bag and started breaking it in anger.

Mallika asked, "What's happened? Why are you breaking this CD in such anger?"

"Mom, this CD shows the story of that night, which I spent with Rahul. An unknown person had sent the CD to Vikrant's office. Thank God I was in the office at that time, and he asked me to watch the CD. As soon as I saw the CD, I got scared.

I lied to him and said that the CD couldn't be run, showing an error. I am afraid to think about what would have happened to me if he had seen this CD."

"Jiya, the unknown person who sent this CD is none other than Abha.

It was just one CD. She must have made multiple copies of the CD. If not today, tomorrow this truth will come in front of Vikrant. It's better to tell the truth yourself than to have it told to him by someone else."

"No, mom, I don't have the courage to face his anger."

Soniya Jadhav

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