love and bravery

19 8 1

Hand in hand they walked along the sandy shores. Both quiet but happy.
They had arrived earlier that evening , unpacked and had a lovely meal delivered to their home away from home  for the next couple of days.

Now with the sunset behind them, they had decided to take a walk along the shoreline to help their food digest,  Suga's heart was beating fast, the setting couldn't be more romantic if he had arranged it. The sky clear and hundreds of stars had come out. The air was cool and the beach empty.
' did he dare tell her ? ' he asked himself , ' ask her to commit to their crazy relationship ? ...did she love him?  and if so was it enough to go through the fire of hate all the partners had to go through ....Tae and Jk ... Rm and Rose .
'Was he selfish even thinking of asking her? ' 

Teri's mind was somewhere else despite the beautiful surroundings and Sugas warm hand in hers .

She was still trying to get used to the ' lady like 'clothes , and their walk was almost finished , and then they'd go back to the house , and then they'd shower and then....her thoughts went to the little pieces of lace that Rose had talked her into getting. The black lace underwire bra that actually made her look like she had breasts , the connected string that the label called a thong and Rose assured her it was in fact underwear!

If she put it on , she didn't know what she was more nervous about Suga seeing her scar in full or his reaction  to her small breasts and boy like figure.  No amount of lace could change the lack of hip curve.

So lost in her own thoughts she hadn't noticed that they'd stopped walking until he stood in front of her , a slightly worried look on his face " are you ok?" He asked " do you feel unwell ?"

Her heart melted for this man so much , the look of sincerity and concern on his face,  the words " salanghaeyo " were out before she could stop them , before she could reign them in and analyse them , with out thinking about the future  I love you she had said.

With the waves lapping at their toes , eye to eye they had one of those rare perfect moments of stillness,  Suga was staring deep into her soul and her heart was beating so loud she was sure he could hear it ....
The perfect moment seemed to drag on a little too long though and Teri started to panic " I'm sorry " she said quickly stepping back " I... I.." he pulled her back in and kissed her  " thank you " he said softly against her lips ..

'Thankyou ?'why was he saying thank you ?  Thank you for your love but I can't accept ? She could barely breath , she wanted the ground to open up and swallow her , she wanted to run away but he held her still , chest to chest ..then he continued speaking ..." I've wanted to tell you I love you for a while but I didn't know when or how "
She couldnt believe what he'd just said " what ?" She asked still dazed . He smiled " I love you too" he said .
She shook her head and with her free hand pinched the side of her leg " ow !" She said .
He looked down "what happened ? Are  you hurt ?"
Her smile grew as she looked at him " I " she blushed , somewhat embarressed " I pinched myself to check I wasn't dreaming "

He did laugh then and said loudly " Song Tey-Ri I love you " he grabbed her hands and did a kind of funny dance splashing in the shallow water and continued to sing over her giggles " I love Teri,  Teri is mine and I am hers "
They kissed and laughed and danced until both were worn out and very wet . Suga noticed Teri even had goose bumps so insisted they went back .

He let Teri have a shower first,  while he stripped to his boxers and wrapped himself in his robe.

In the bathroom Teri was starting to panic again. The high that had come from having her love confession returned had carried her into the bathroom with confidence , the scraps of lace  had come in with her , hidden under her towel and dressing gown,  but now she was wearing it the fear was back tenfold .

She had purposely avoided looking at her self in the mirror , had spent ten minutes figuring out how to put the thong on and another 5 adjusting the straps and putting the bra on. All things women her age had probably done a hundred times but for her this was the first pretty bra she had ever owned . Sports bras with wide bands had always been her security blanket , and as she moved her boobs about in the cups and felt how uncomfortable they were she wondered how women wore these all the time.

For Suga  , if he likes , she could dress up , but every day wear! No way .

She wrapped her dressing gown around herself and then brushed her teeth. She knew she had to leave the bathroom , he needed a shower too.

Making sure her robe was completely closed and belted she left the bathroom ." All yours " she said and he thanked her and said won't be long.

She went into the little kitchen and checked the fridge, they'd brought some bits with them and she took out a bottle of soju and hunted for a little glass.

She'd had 3 shot glasses of soju by the time he came out and she was feeling slightly more relaxed , in her head while waiting,  she'd fantasised about being beautiful,  slowly unwrapping her robe and teasing Suga . Maybe sit him on the bed and sit across his lap , have his face in her chest , kissing her .....but the fantasy only made her realise in that position he would be face to face with her scar and that had been like a bucket of cold water over her .

Suga came out the bathroom still rubbing his hair with a towel , wearing only black Calvin kleines.  His cock visibly outlined even soft as he was .

Just looking at him had her moist , and again she wondered how had she got so lucky , compared to the millions of people out there that would give anything to be in her place right now, he had chosen her , he loved her !

HE LOVED HER ! this thought,  the power behind those words and the three shots of alchohol had her walking softly towards Suga who was sat on the edge of the  bed now , just like in her early fantasy.....
He reached out as she came close and she stood between his legs looking down at him , " do you really love me ?" She asked .
He knew she felt insecure and he wished he could make her understand just how important she was to him. He tugged at her so she sat on his lap " Teri,  from the first moment I saw you there was something about you that always got my attention, And you drove me insane and I couldn't figure out why. But whether arguing with you or working with you I was always happy , and I don't find being happy comes as naturally to me as the other members . In the past , I would spend days with out a break writing or working  , I wouldn't even know if it was day or night sometimes because somedays were eternally dark. Then you came into my life and my world lit up  . You are my light Teri. I am truly begining to realise just how lucky I am and how you've made me complete. I have the love of Army and it is most precious to me , and I have my brothers who are family , and now I have you .

I will love and protect you forever !" He said. His last sentence had come out as almost a growl but she had heard his sincerity . She put his hands on the knot of her belt and said " undo me " her words barely more than a whisper ......

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