Suga's doubts

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Suga was starting to question his actions and hated the guilty feelings that came with it.
It had been three days since he had got Teri demoted first he hadn't been too bothered , not only was he angry and his pride a little hurt but he and his brothers had been preoccupied with Rm.

Although working and performing he seemed his usual excellence , behind the scenes Rm was definitely not doing so well , in particular the brothers had noticed that he was being a bit sharp with his assistants , he apologised afterwards but it was so out of character for Rm that everyone had noticed.

Deciding that they were going to have to do something about it Suga arranged to speak to Jin and between them they had made a plan... they had to intervene .

The plan was to go see Rm the next morning and Suga lay in bed that night and tried really hard to not think about Teri.

He hadn't really seen her the last couple of days and he hated to admit he missed her .

He had caught a glimpse of her earlier that night when he'd come off stage for a wardrobe change but she hadn't even looked over at him . She'd been talking to a prepubescent lad and smiling at him.!

He rolled over and fluffed up his pillow , smiling !! She should be on her knees begging him to take her back as his assistant.

A stray image of something else she could be doing on her knees came to mind , but he shooed it away like an annoying fly.

He really needed to stop thinking about her. It was over, it wasn't meant to happen after all... dissapointment stung but acceptance made it easier and he eventually fell asleep.

He kept himself busy , that was the key a family they had dealt with Rm and Suga even found a way to send him back home to be with his wife for a few days before the final leg of the tour.

Although Rm had had to wait , seeing the finish line had definitely improved his mood and everyone had breathed a sigh of relief.

Suga especially as at one point he had honestly suspected Rm had been ready to risk it all just to fly back and see Rose.

They were all still in Spain but had moved to a different city and had a couple of days off.

He had spent the first day sleeping and writing music well into the night, the second day he wanted some fresh air so had taken one security guard with him and taken a walk down to the oceon.
The beaches were busy but with blacked out sunglasses and a cap, he didn't stand out too much and managed to not be seen .

Walking and fresh air though gave him too much time to think ...should he go and apologise to Teri? He asked himself, was it even worth it . ? He worked hard when he had to but he also tried to avoid stress..with out Teri around there was no stress, but there waa no fun either came a small voice in his head...

Now he had time to think about what had happened with out such heightened emotions he wondered if she'd had a reason.

He shook his head , he honestly didn't know what to do for the best and thinking about it wasn't helping.

The sun was hot so he changed directions , heading up to the row of shops on the pavement, grateful for the shade , and looked for a cafe or shop to get some water .

Just up ahead he saw some tables and chairs under large umbrellas with people eating and drinking.

Purposefully he strode towards them only to stop in his tracks. Teri was there , so was the kid and another couple. She hadn't spotted him and Suga just watched as she talked and smiled with her friends.

Today she was wearing green cargo pants and a large oversized man's dress shirt. It should have looked awful, but suited her, he thought.

She'd changed her hair again, still black but the tips were a vibrant orange today and he couldn't help admire her. She really didn't care about other people's opinions , she literally wore what she wanted and that was a freedom he sometimes wished he had . Not that he would give up this life he had fought so hard to have , but still he smiled to himself at her bravery .

He heard his security guard clear his throat and realised he was probably drawing too much attention to himself just staring ,so he apologised and went to leave the way he had just come ..just as he did though he heard a laugh..Teri's laugh , and not just a little light relief but a full on laugh where she was now holding her tummy, throwing her head back and wiping her eyes sort of laugh.

For some reason this made him angry again, it was hardly a punishment if she was happy !

He practically stomped all the way back to the hotel. He didn't like feeling angry he really needed to stop. This was so unlike him.

It took great effort on his part but by throwing himself into his work , Surrounding himself with his brothers he managed to some what put Teri behind him. He'd catch himself staring at her sometimes back stage , but would pull himself together and look away , he would hear snippets of information about her too as the other assistants chatted , he hated that he listened and waited for these bits of chatter , everytime he heard her name his heart would beat with want and that meant he still wasn't over her.

By the time they were done in Spain though he was convinced that although getting her demoted may have been petty it had probably been the best thing in terms of keeping them apart, and from what he could tell she seemed happy enough , she certainly seemed to smile a lot at least .

He refused to admit that hurt..just a little.

The final show had been amazing but exhausting and he was looking forward to having nearly a week off . He knew they had interviews and a couple tv and radio appearances, but that was nothing compared to performing.

They were heading out to Greece next and Rm was heading home for a few days. He planned on doing as little as possible. He fell asleep that night smiling with the thought of all the relaxing he was going to be doing . Little did he know that just because he had managed to accept and put Teri behind him , Teri had not and the next morning he was going to be in for a shock .

Suga  A backstage RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now