Song Tey-Ri

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Suga had to admit the wedding had been perfect , despite his tiredness , he had really enjoyed himself,  having all of his brothers around him and Rose ,  a tour in a few days , life was actually quite good.
He didn't usually like large gatherings , but surprisingly he'd had fun.

He'd helped write a lullaby for Rms baby and he felt satisfied right at that moment with his life and actually slept soundly for 5 whole hours .

The next day they checked into their hotel,  he could see Rm was depressed at leaving Rose but figured he'd sort him self out once the tour was underway so didn't pay him much mind.
He unpacked and then holding a coffee stared out the hotels window at the bustling streets of London .

He wondered what it would be like to be one of those suited figures speeding back and forth from their office jobs .

Of course his parents were proud of him now but they hadn't wanted him to go into music , had tried to forbid it in fact,  but he'd always had music in his veins and couldn't have become one of them even if he had tried,  he probably would have ended up killing himself if he was honest.

He took a drink of his coffee and pulled a face , he liked ice coffee but not like warm gone cold coffee. He placed it down on the side and wondered how much longer until they went to check out the venue .

As if his thoughts had manifest results his hotel door flew open and Jimin bounced in." Come on brother , let's go , let's go "

His excitement was infectious and Suga smiled , " I'm coming " he said .

The venue was huge , Suga, as did the others had a particular soft spot for Wembley and he spent the next few hours checking the sound equipment they'd be using . They would have a full dress rehearsal tomorrow,  but today was checking costumes,  sound and getting acquainted with the stadium .

Once the sound checks were done they all went back stage to the green room to meet their assistants and check all costumes fit .

Each of them would have around 3 assistants and then there would be floating crew who would appear as and when needed , ready to do everything and anything the artists required .

It was their job to preempt the stars needs , to be around but invisible.

This is what Song Tey-Ri had had drilled in her head since she arrived this morning.

' Stars ! Artists ! ' She scoffed to herself after the meeting was over . They were just annoying over grown children that couldn't do anything on their own .

Teri as she preferred to be called flung the lanyard with her name on and security pass , over her head and set off in the direction of the green room. 
She checked her electronic tablet , she'd been assigned Suga and 2 junior assistants.

She felt proud of herself for this , not because she got to work with one of the members of the biggest groups in the world but because she had made it , she had been working as a celebrity assistant for nearly 9 years , she had dropped out of college before her 19th birthday and managed to get an internship at Vast entertainment , she had done everything from fetching coffee to removing lint from jackets,  run scripts over to artists in the middle of the night and put up with all sorts of abuse when the actors threw temper tantrums .

In between all that she had taken a barbering course , hairdressing course and make up. Now finally after many years of living hand to mouth , she was getting a decent wage and even got to travel.

Truth was Teri was very good at her job , as long as people treated her with respect they would get it back , but she didn't take any shit either .

Sometimes her look caused people to disrespect her but she had a sharp tongue and and quick temper and would soon put people in their place .
So she liked jeans and baggy hoodies , or tracksuits. So she had some piercings and her hair changed style and colour often , that was her perogative and didn't mean she was any less skilled in her job.

After walking for nearly 10 minutes she found the green room , checked her tablet again for the list of jobs she had to do , took a breath and stepped in.

" you're late " Suga said barely looking up , everything about a tour was schedualled and 5 minutes difference could throw a whole show off .

With out a single stutter Teri gritted her teeth , forced a smile and bowed low. Hating the hypocrisy of her having to grovel when he wasnt even looking at her.  Taking a deep breath and mustering her softest voice she said " I  apologise Suga sir . It won't happen again "

She could have explained it was her first day , and that she had never been to England before let alone this arena , or that the briefing had run over , but she didn't,  she didn't like people that made up excuses and refused to do it her self.

Suga nodded and just carried on looking at his phone .
Teri wondered if she should introduce her self as was custom or go straight over to the clothing rack and check the list to actual items.

' grr custom ' she mumbled to herself as she bowed low again and said " my name is Song Tey-ri but everyone calls me Teri , it's an honour to work with you sir "

Suga sighed , weren't assistants meant to be seen and not heard ? He didnt mean this in a bad way , but they each had a job and he'd found it more efficient to just let them do their job and he'd do his.   He lifted his head up finally and met Teri's eyes for the first time , ready to point out that unnecessary conversation wasnt required .... then stopped breathing .

Slim , short spiky black hair with hint of blue on the ends , black eyeliner but only a touch along the lower lid , pierced eyebrow and nose and a heart shaped mouth , free from any lipstick.

A rare smile reached sugas face , not the cute one reserved for Army but one that held a million secrets and promises . ' I'm going to fuck this person before the tour is over ' he thought to himself , like a cat stalking a canary , ' male or female they're beautiful , and I will make them mine '

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