hell hath no fury... ?

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Taking a deep breath, Teri clenched her fists and told her self ' fighting ' as she left her hotel room.
In her mind , as she marched proudly and determined, she was a strong women, like Empress Ki from a drama she once watched , proud and strong,  no hidden weakness , no fear..In reality though her 'march ' was a little unsteady and at one point she had to stop and lean up against the wall..just for a moment as she felt a bit dizzy... but this didn't stop her inner warrior.

'So he thinks he can just tease me and then walk away does he !? He thinks he can have pleasure in my pain and laugh about it !? ' She hadn't actually seen him laugh but she was sure he had ...' I'm the one that gets to use and discard ! I'm the one that sets the rules! '

She made it to his room and raised her hand to knock...for just a second doubt crept in,  logic threatened to take over but she dismissed it. She either wanted answers or she wanted him.

She banged on the door and waited ..

Suga had finished his beer, just crawled into bed and had been looking at social media on his phone when the loud knock came ..

Worried that it might be one of his brothers or especially Rm , maybe something was wrong with Rose he jumped out of bed in only his boxers and rushed to answer the door.

To say he was shocked to see Teri there was an understatement,  even more so when she stormed into his room and , hand on hips turned to face him.

A small smile touched his lips...this was unexpected , as he turned and shut the door.

" who do you think you are !?" She said , voice slightly raised ..confidently he walked towards her " who do you want me to be ?" He asked .....this confused her , a look crossed her face as she tried to come up with the perfect response to his question...he wasn't reacting the way she thought he would , she thought he would be unnerved by her appearance , ask her what she was doing there ..but instead he was smiling a sexy smile in just his boxer shorts .." oh my goodness " she said covering her mouth ..she had been so focused on his face she had only just notices his state of undress...even soft his member clearly outlined under his shorts..she dragged her eyes back up to his face and from behind her hand she said " I don't understand the question" she said.

Suga came even closer and said " I can be brilliant Min yoongi ..I can be cutesty Suga , or I can be take no shit Agust D. ..."

Her breathing grew faster , she needed to take back control before she forgot why she had even come here . She put her good hand out in front of her and stopped him coming closer than her outstretched arm.

" I don't want you to be any of them...I don't want you fullstop.! I just want to know what I did to make you change " despite her best effort the last sentence tailed off into a quiet voice of hurt and confusion.

Well shit,  Suga thought,  he loved teasing strong sexy Teri,  but was definitely not so confident around her vulnerable side , but he didn't take a step back this time ..if she was brave enough to walk into his room she was strong enough to take him and his teasing.
He took another step towards her , causing the palm of her hand to make contact with his chest.

She gasped and dropped her hand before she could stop herself,  then after taking a step back herself put her hand up again. " stop !" She said , and was relieved to see he at least would do that much. Composing her self she opened her mouth to speak when he turned and said " would you like a drink ?"

She dropped her hand , why did he do that ? How did he manage to take all the wind out of her sails ? Oh he was good ..she raised her chin again " I didn't come here to drink " she said , he stopped mid step , calmly put one of the two beers he had taken from his fridge , down and then opened his own and took a swig.

His body , although not as ripped as some of his brothers was still perfectly toned ...she wanted to push him down on the bed , take him and then leave..maybe if she could just have him the once it would settle down the feelings of frustration she had when she was around him.

He was stood next to the bed and watched Teri's face , she really did have the most expressive face, he wondered what exactly was she thinking right now , when he saw her cast her glance down his body and stop at waist level ' she really wants me ' the thought made his cock twitch as if to say is it wake up time? She saw it move and heat flooded her core , the alchohol , the weeks of frustration boiled over,  she took the steps towards him and with both hands grabbed his head and did what she had fantasied about doing in months , kissed him.

Suga stood like a statue ...he could taste the wine  on her lips,  could he let her do this ? Wouldn't this make things more complicated , he made himself stand still,  he willed his body to cooperate , he kept his arms by his side and his eyes open as Teri's lips where on his .

It took a moment for her brain to register that he wasn't responding , a part of her was hurt,  a part of her wanted to run back to her room and cry , but Empress Ki wouldn't do that.  She pulled herself together and stepped back " I guess all those weeks of teasing me were just for fun were they ?" She asked , despite her calm words she was feeling hurt and embarrassed inside and she masked that with anger ..

Suga didn't know what to say ..he wanted her like a thirsty man wanted water , but she had been drinking...and they hadn't talked ground rules or anything .

" you've been drinking " he said " you should go back to you're room and we can discuss this another time " it was taking all of his strength to not give into her , it had been too long since he'd had sex and he'd spent too long wanting Teri and fantasising about this moment ' please leave ' he said in his mind ' please stay ' his mind also said ...

The rejection of his words hurt and he saw the pain across her face .  " fuck it " he said just before pulling her back and into his arms.

Suga  A backstage RomanceDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora