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She hadn't heard him approach,  but heard her name just a second before she felt his arms wrap around her , for a moment , just a moment she allowed his warmth to seep into her wounded soul before she came crashing back down to earth with a thump. He had broken her trust and she had acted like a crazy lady and embarressed him infront of his brother. Surely there was no coming back from that.
She shrugged out if his arms and jumped up, ready to walk away , but she'd jumped up so quickly she got light headed , and wobbled .

Unfortunately Suga was so surprised by her getting up he was a fraction too late , reaching his hand out into thin air as Teri fell backwards into the ocean .

With a scream and a splash her head went under and Suga was just about to jump in after her when she popped back up laughing !
" you're laughing ?" He asked still trying to process all the emotions he'd gone through in less than a minute .

Bouncing on her tippytoes Teri stayed above the water , talk about a shock to the system , even though the weather was gorgeous the water was still cool to her skin. " better than crying " she replied glibly as she made her way to the edge of the jetty. He put his hand out to help her up which she took and then she sat and caught her breath.

For a while neither spoke,  neither knowing quite what to say , and then she shivered . " you shouldn't be out here in wet clothes ..come on " he stood up and held his hand out again to help her . She raised an eyebrow and went to stand up by herself but he bent and held under her elbow until she was upright " I didn't want a repeat of earlier " he said , dropping his hand again .

As they started to walk back towards the hotel he noticed more shivers and took his hoody off . " put this on " he said , her pride wanted to say no but she really was starting to feel the cold of the night air her wet clothes .

She did as he asked and mumbled a thank you quietly .

The rest of the walk was in silence , in his head Suga practiced a hundred different ways of starting a conversation,  of wondering how he could ask her to come to his room to talk but none seemed right ...

Teri just wanted to get back to her room , not only had he caught her crying , which was only now really sinking in , but then had witnessed her falling into the water and now she had shamelessly taken his jumper leaving him in just a tee shirt .

She was tired and it had been a long couple of days , flying from Korea,  coming  straight into work , seeing him.  'Could the ground please just open up and swallow me !' She thought and a little groan escaped her . " are you alright ?" Suga asked , concern in his voice .

She nodded her head , but didn't speak , mostly because she didn't know what to say but also she knew if she opened her mouth her teeth would start chattering , she wrapped her arms around her self in an effort to get warmer.

He noticed and went to put his arm around  her but she jumped back. Hurt he said sorry and stepped away .

" no erm " she said quickly realising he had only been trying to help " its just...if anyone sees you they'd get the wrong idea .. you're famous remember ?" She tried to smile , and her teeth gave a chatter as she did.

Just then he saw the lights of the hotel up ahead , " come on " he said grabbing her hand " let's make a run for it , that will warm you up " he started running and because he had her hand she had no choice really but to follow.

As they neared the carpark though she let go of his hand and said " you should go in first "  He stopped , if he left her now who knew when they could talk " will you come to my room ?" He asked tentatively,  " just to talk " he added quickly " I don't know when we will get the chance and I'd really like to apologise to you " 
She knew she should say no , what good would talking do but before she could speak he said " please Teri " with so much sincerity she agreed .

" go first , I'll be there when I've showered and changed "  " shower at mine " he said quickly ..adding " you don't want to disturb your room mate , if they wake up and see you wet you'll have to answer awkward questions  "

He had a point , so she agreed to follow him up just one lift after him .

He nodded at security as he entered the lobby and headed straight to the lift and then his room. He put the kettle on as soon as he arrived and then grabbed another jumper for himself .

Then he found an oversized basket ball top of his , a new pair of boxers out of a packet that Jk had given him from his promo work and a thick pair of wooly socks , then he laid out a large fluffy towel and waited ..

Teri stood outside his door,  hand raised , bracing herself , genuinely unable to imagine what Suga would want to say to her.  He said he wanted to apologise , but she knew she had to say sorry also.. .' I guess that's a good start ' she said to herself as she knocked lightly on his door .

He rushed over and let her in , holding out a cup of steaming hot tea at the same time .

She took it and said thank you,  then used her feet to take her very wet shoes off . She walked over to the living area cradling her tea.

' well this is awkward ' she thought to herself as she wondered what to do next . She took a sip of her tea, the heat immediately making her  feel warmer .

Suga grabbed the towel and clothes he had prepared for her and said, " go shower and warm up , we can talk after "

She nodded and put her tea cup down and left for the bathroom.

Under the hot spray she admitted she had missed him , and not just his body , he was kind and attentive , if only he hadn't seen her scar , pain and longing washed over her again.. now he'd seen it he would never want to be with her again , right now he was obviously just being kind, maybe he even pitied her ! 

She was taking forever and all he could do was pace , but eventually he heard the door open from the bathroom and he fell to his knees " I'm so so sorry " he said and waited ....

Suga  A backstage Romanceحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن