how about Oppa ?

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' holy shit ! My head hurts ' this was the first thought Teri had before even opening her eyes , second thought ' how did I get home ? ' She groaned as she slowly rolled over , stretched and yawned . Her tongue felt wooly and her bladder fit to burst , how ever she didn't want to move , moving hurt .

Ever so gently she opened her eyes , only to find Suga sat by the bed , legs crossed , a look of serene smugness on his face.
She closed her eyes again quickly , " I'm obviously dreaming " she mumbled to her self " wake up " she demanded and then after counting back from 3 she opened her eyes again..he was still there " why do you have to look so good in my dreams ?" She moaned at the dream Suga .

Dream Suga smiled his famous gummy smile and lent forward " good morning " he said holding out a little bottle of something to her .

Suga had been awake for over an hour and between last night and this morning so much had changed , he just wasn't sure how to get Teri onside ... he now knew with out a doubt that she had panicked and run out the room after he had tried to lift her top up , she obviously had some body hang ups about the scar he'd caught a glimpse of , that meant all he had to do was get her to admit she was still physically attracted to him and they'd be good to go.
He had been waiting an hour for her to wake up , he'd noticed the fine line of her nose , the cupids bow shape of her lips he wanted to kiss so badly , her dark hair stark contrast to her pale face and this close he had also found a tiny beauty spot just in the corner of her eyelid .

Beautiful he thought , then quickly changed it to sexy.

" why are you in my room ? " Teri demanded , finally waking up enough to belive what she was seeing .

He smiled and said softly " you're in my room Teri "

Panic flared like lightning , her body ran cold and hot , why was she in his room , had something happened ? She closed her eyes and mentally inspected her body , no she was still fully clothed , her body didn't feel like it had had sex , so why was she in his room .

Summoning up as much bravado as she could she looked him straight in the eye and said " I guess I should thank you then for taking care of me " she cleared her throat , her head hurt , her mouth was dry and she was is Sugas bed " would you mind giving me some privacy please ?"

He stood up and said " sure " putting the little bottle on the side , next to a bottle of water she had just noticed " drink that and ill go make you some coffee "

He left the bedroom and Teri pulled the cover up over her head and moaned and kicked her feet " why why why?'

Eventually, her little strop over ,she reached out and grabbed the bottle of water and drank thirstily . Then she found the little bottle of hangover cure .. she wasn't sure how he had found a korean hangover cure in Greece but she was grateful . She slowly made her way to the bathroom , relieved her bloated bladder and splashed cold water on her face, before going and sitting on the edge of the bed . Head in hands , thoughts jumbled she waited for the medicine to kick in.

After a while she could smell food coming from the other room. Her delicate stomach rumbled just as Suga knocked in the door " come and eat Teri, you'll feel better "

It was with shaky legs and a somewhat embarressed demeanor that she walked out of the room. She still had no clue as to how she had ended up at his place and things had been awkward enough between them before she had spent the night in his room.

The little dining table was laden with different dishes " that's... Erm....a lot of food " she said .

" I couldn't get you hangover soup and didn't know what you'd like so ordered pretty much everything from the hotels menu " Suga said .
He indicated she sit and she did pouring herself a cup of strong black coffee from the pot in the center of the table. The silence was palpable...neither quite knew what to say , she wished the ground would open up and swallow her, or at least wished she could escape back to her room and he..well he still wanted her like crazy, even with her messy hair and pale completion she was as sexy as hell.

Mentally he was trying to find the right words , knowing though firstly he had to mend the rift that was between them .

"I think.. " Teri started at the same time as he said " can we ..."

They both gave an uncomfortable little giggle and Suga said " after you"

She helped herself to another mouthful of her coffee and then said " I think I should probably go back to my room , " she went to stand up " erm , thank you for looking after me last night , I'm sorry if I put you to any trouble " she took a step to leave the table but Suga was faster .." can we talk first?" He said , almost taking her by the shoulders but he remembered , last moment , he didn't have the right or the permission.

She hung her head , he was technically sort of her boss , he could easily demand she stay . Keeping her head down and her hands clasped together at her waist she said " what would you like to talk about ... Sir ,?"

" Whats with the sir bullshit ?," he said running his hands through his hair , she raised her head, being torn between being subservient and standing up for herself was becoming a problem. " what should I call you then..sir ?" She asked somewhat defiantly , he smiled , he loved his little spitfire , he raised an eye brow and grinned, how about " Oppa ? " he waited for her outburst , " she sputtered , her face went from white , to red and then white again before she pulled herself together " and why would I call you that ? " She said crossing her arms acrossher chest ... . " because I'm asking you to ? " he replied.

She gave in and physically slumped " why are you doing this to me " she said " I've said sorry a million times for leaving that night , I even accepted being demoted , knowing that although your actions were petty , they were understandable, I don't know how I ended up here last night but I promise I won't drink again , I won't cause you trouble, you'll barely see me , just stop playing games with me please " her heart thumped , her words didn't necessarily bely her thoughts but she wasn't strong enough to start
the game again with him , all this trouble for a physical need.?

Shit , he thought trying to think quickly for words of platitude or understanding , but in the end went for straight talk instead " I still want you ," he said causing her to look up sharply " and I'm willing to take you on what ever grounds you'll let me "

Suga  A backstage RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now