crossing the line

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Teri had ended up leaving Suga's room around 3 am. She had crept in her room so as to not wake her room mate and slept until 10 in the morning.
It was her last day off in Greece and she planned on making the most of it. She knew Suga and the guys were doing some radio promo work today and that he was pretty much busy until quite late , but she had still agreed to go to his room when he was free.

Sports cap , shorts , baggy top and flip-flops she spent the day wandering the streets, visiting small out of the way shops. Then she caught a train to Athens and spent the day visiting the Acropolis and the Roman Agora....she found the history fascinating , so different from her own yet none the less important and amazing ...she finished her afternoon off sat watching the sunset from the view point on Acropolis hill.

It had been a wonderful day , but now she was tired, hungry and in need of a shower. She was already looking forward to tonight and wondered what more could Suga possibly have in store for them both.

Sex with Suga was the best she'd ever had and she wondered what would happen when the tour was over ..but she didn't want to think about that for now , she was just enjoying each moment.

He was so tired , late nights and early mornings , but they were all worth it , standing under the shower getting ready to welcome Teri he couldn't help but feel a little giddy. She made him happy , no complications , no clinging whining text messages, when she was there she gave him her full attention and when she wasn't he didn't hear from her. Perfect , exactly how he liked his sexual partners...admittedly he didn't usually see them more than once and if he did it would be with a long gap in-between, this would be their 3rd night together. He didn't put too much thought into this though , he knew that once the tour started back up again he would honestly be way too busy and too tired to see her much , so he was just trying to fit her in as much as he could now .

Once out of the shower he messaged her , asking if she'd like to ear food with him. It was a harmless enough question , he needed to eat so might as well eat with her ..or so he thought, but after pressing send he wondered if it didnt sound too much like a date ....too late though , especially when she replied, ' absolutely I'm starving , give me 10 minutes '

Trying to to think too much into Suga ordered up some food and sat on his phone waiting for both the food and teris arrival .. its not like They hadn't eaten together before ...

Teri arrived first , she was wearing more shorts , ones that stopped just above her knees this time , and another baggy tee shirt...a stray thought of ' I miss breasts ' popped into his head before he shooed it away... it would quite dissappear though.. through put the meal he wondered repeatedly if he shpuld mention that he knows about the scar and that It didn't bother him, but couldn't really find the right time. After dinner and a few glasses of wine each they'd made their way to the bed.. so comfortable was she now with Suga that she even allowed her top to come off leaving just the wide banded sports bra , and at one point when she had be sat on top of him she'd even grabbed his hand and placed it over one of her breasts , letting him massage and squeeze her nipple through the fabric .

The sex had been mindblowing as usual and this time it was Suga who fell asleep first holding her in his arms , she allowed her self to enjoy the comfort of him for a while telling herself she'd leave soon , but ended up falling asleep herself , arms and legs entangled ..

Suga woke up first , and watched her , she had rolled over on her back with one arm flung above her head...this small movement had lifted the hem of her bra up just enough that he could see a glipse of the scar...tentatively he traced what he could see with his fingers , in no way was he repulsed , more curious .

She must have felt him because she woke with a start , clutching the covers to her chest she said " what are you doing ?"
Surprised he replied " I didn't mean to but I saw it " he got out of bed and pulled his tracksuit pants on and walked towards the coffee maker " do you want a coffee ?"

" you're asking if I want coffee ?!" She said raising her voice ...she was hurt embarressed and angry all rolled into one , she jumped out of bed after him , pulling her shorts on as she did .." why ? Why would you do that ?"
Baffled now he raised his hands up " I'm sorry I touched it but it was there , I don't even know what the big deal is to be honest, we all have scars , some more hidden than others , some mental , but none of us are scarless "

She felt tears threaten , a part of her , a very small part was trying to tell her she was over reacting , but most of her was just too emotional to listen. " I trusted you !" She said , she came to stand almost in front of him " you've ruined everything now!" She retrieved her flip flops and flung open the hotel room door , she couldn't stay , her biggest fear , her worst secret was now known and she didn't know how to handle it .

She ran out the room , and Suga , poor Suga who still didn't fully understand the big deal of his actions followed her out " Teri ?" He said . She turned to look at him, angry and hurt , she didn't stop to think she bent down and grabbed one of her flip-flops and threw it at Suga , unfortunately not only did it miss but it barely missed Rm who was getting out the lift at the very moment . Mortified she clasped her hands in front of her and ran over to Rm bowing low " I'm so sorry sir" she said , but she couldn't help turning her head to look at Suga and shoot him daggers , this was all his fault! She noted he had the audacity to look angry at her too !
Suddenly Rm grabbed her arm and marched her down the hall to his room . Meakly she followed Rm was the boss after all . She stood in the room waiting , was he going to ask what had happened ? Was he going to sack her ? He seemed to be thinking so she stood there quietly and waited " Teri ? Is it ?" He asked, she nodded " yes sir "

Then she noted he smiled at her before speaking " how would you like a job away from....." he didn't finish the sentence but she knew he was going to say Suga ..he cleared his throat " I have a delicate job that needs handling discreetly and I think you're the man for the job "
" man?"

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