girls shopping trip

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Teri could hardly contain herself , tomorrow was the first day of Chuseok .

Ever since he had told her they were going out she had been a bundle of excitement . Packing and unpacking ..problem was she didn't know where they were going , he'd said it was a surprise .

Obviously it couldn't be too far away as they only had 3 days .

She had felt a little guilty , Chuseok was about family coming together , Surely he should be going home,  but he'd just waved her off saying his parents were used to it as he usually spent it with the boys if they were too busy to leave Seoul . This year  Rm was spending it with Rose and his daughter,  the married couple were going to Taes place , Jks parents were going too , so that only left the three J's and they were happy that Suga was doing his own things .

Guilt appeased Teri had thrown herself into the holiday mode with enthusiasm. The only thing that had given her pause for worry .....water.. well more specifically being expected to get in it . Because of her lack of body confidence she'd never worn a bathing suit,  never learnt to swim . Too much skin on display....she wondered if Suga had thought about that when he'd booked the place and hoped desperately he hadn't booked a mini cruise or a yacht.

She sat down on her bed , who knew what millionairs considered a quick get away.

She never really stopped to think about the amount of wealth he had , they spent their time modestly. Eating comfortable foods , staying in her little apartment , it was easy to forget he was rich. He never made her feel bad either,  didn't try and throw money at her, never complained about her clothes or hair style. She was so far removed from what a lady should look like yet he didn't seem to mind any of that.Even thought her little nose ring was cute .

She looked down at what she was wearing,  ripped jeans and an oversized man's shirt...maybe ..maybe now she wasn't hiding so much maybe she could make a little more effort , for Sugas sake.

Not all dresses or nice tops were reveiling , maybe a push up bra instead of a sports bra too. ... she thought about this for a long time and then laughed , who was she kidding she didn't know the first thing about being feminine...but she couldn't seem to get the idea out of her head. She chuckled. ' I must love him ' she said outloud to herself,  first bit was make up and lip gloss and now it's clothes ?

She got up to make herself some lunch when her phone rang . It was Rose " hello sister " she said as soon as Teri answered " how would you like to come shopping with me ? I know you're not starting back at work until after the break " she pause " please ?!  If your foot is up for it ?" She said almost begging .Teri chuckled " whats the big occasion?" She asked . She heard Rose sigh and found herself smiling as Rose explained she and baby were going to Rms parents for the holiday and she needed new everything , plus gifts to bring.

Thinking that maybe Rose could help her as well she had quickly agreed and arranged to be collected in an hour .

" so , now that I'm all sorted " Rose said eyeing the pile of packages on the chair next to her " what can I do for you ?"

They were sat in a local coffee shop taking a break , Rose was a very practical shopper and had completed her list in only a couple of hours .

" how did you know I wanted something too ?' Teri asked , genuinely confused , she'd not said anything to her as she was still undecided .

Rose smiled and took her hand that was on the table. " you've been quiet all day , but I've seen you eyeing up the pretty dresses . Any particular occasion in mind ?"

Teri shook her head , she wasn't sure what to say , but she did count Rose as a good friend , maybe she could help with advice at least. " as you know " She started " I'm going away  tomorrow with Suga for 3 days , the weather is lovely and Suga is so good at making me feel good about myself , but lately I've been wondering if I should dress , well more like a girl ?"
She looked at Rose and waited .
Rose thought Teri was lovely as she was , and knew that they both loved each other,  even if they didn't know it themselves. She thought about the best way to answer then said " the most important question you need to ask yourself is if the change is for you,  or for Suga...because no one should change for a man. If you are comfortable in trousers and baggy tops then don't force yourself to wear a dress , if you want to be more feminine you could still wear trousers and a top but a more flattering style. You don't have to make yourself uncomfortable . Suga wouldn't want that "

Clarity and happiness went through Teri,  of course , that's what had been bothering her , the idea of femininity to her had always been pretty pink short dresses and 3 inch heels ,long hair and pink lips.

" thank you Rose , you are a genius " .Rose smiled and patted the back of her hand , " come on I'll help you find some nice pant suits . "

Calling two men over from another table Rose handed them her shopping . She then held her hand out to Teri and went to walk off. Teri was shocked and Rose laughed " they're security guards " she said as though discussing the weather .  Teri was still confused so Rose explained " Rm insists on them , not every one is a fan I'm afraid , down side of loving one of the members . But " she laughed again and nodded in their direction,  watching as they divided the packages and bags between them . " they have their uses " she was still laughing as hand in hand she pulled Teri behind her excitedly " let's go shopping " she said .

Teri followed happily,  something about the security guards tried to nudge her mind , but she ignored it for now as she got caught up in Rose's enthusiasm.

An hour later Teri leant up against a rail in the foyer of the shopping mall they'd been walking around " shopping is not for me " Teri said exhaustedly . Earlier enthusiasm gone,  she felt tired and deflated . She looked at Rose " how do you do it?" She asked pointing to Rose's high heels and perfect outfit. " I'll tell you a secret " Rose said " I used to live in dungarees  , crocs or flip flops and actually quite a few over sized tops like you , and I still do when I'm in my work shop , but people know who I am now , I didn't want to embarress Rm . I know because of my weight a lot of people already look down on me here in Korea,  so I hired a personal stylist,  someone that helped me find clothes that suited my height and figure.  I did it for me because I wanted to be some one Rm would be proud to be seen with. "
"Rm adores you " interrupted Teri " I know he does " Rose replied " but just like you , I guess , I wanted to look pretty to him and I wasn't feeling pretty after having the baby. Learning what clothes suited me made me feel good about myself.  Maybe you will too "

Moving on to the next shop Teri said " I think you're stunning , you're like Marilyn Monroe.  I wish I had your curves , but most people who don't know me still think im a guy . Never used to bother me but I want Suga to think I'm pretty "

Nodding in understanding Rose said " I'm sure he already does.. and here's a true fact that you probably wouldn't hear from any of your Korean friends,  because well let's face it you guys just don't share as much as us brits do ..... a man can't fake attraction.....if he still gets hard around you he finds you sexy " she laughed as Teri blushed beetroot " come on gorgeous girl let's make you look stunning "

With a tired sigh Teri followed her into yet another shop and smiled , Rose was so lovely ' she thought and a little extra happy thought flitted through her mind ..if I married Suga we'd be sisters for real... and then she shooed the thought away .

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