layers he didnt know she had

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Suga sat and stared at the slammed door, his mind trying to analyse what he'd just seen.  The only word that came to mind was fear .. absolute genuine fear .

But surely he must be wrong , it wasn't like she'd come out the bathroom with no clothes  on,   and he was Ming yoon - gi , not a stranger in her room. 

He wondered what had made her react like that , he had know she would be shocked , had expected a ton of verbal abuse maybe and then he would have pulled his trump card out saying she had to work for him this evening , but now he didn't know what to do , or say.

In the end he did nothing and left quietly,  he felt sorry for frightening her and very confused .

Teri was breathing hard , hands on the sink and staring at herself in the mirror, willing herself to calm down , telling herself it was Suga and not..that man .. the one she refused to name or think about .

She lent forward and rested her brow on the cool glass of the mirror and closed her eyes. ' you're OK,  you're OK' she told herself over and over until eventually her heart beat a normal steady rhythm,  and so did her breathing.

Mentally prepared to face him she put her hand on the door handle , took a breath and opened it..only to see the room was empty.' Now what?' She asked herself.

She sat on the edge of the bed and took her phone out ..she had only run because she had been caught off guard , but ordinarily she liked to face things head on , liked to see a problem coming rather than have it sneak up on her.

Suga paced in his room and tried to understand what had happened , her reaction hadn't been like her at all , she was feisty and cheeky and playing with her was fun,  he thought that they were both enjoying the flirty fighting game , but now he wondered if it hadn't been desire he had seen in her eyes in the car , but maybe fear.

This stopped his pacing,  that didn't sit right with him one bit, he never wanted to scare her .

The ever present doubt inside him started to add more doubts , if he wasn't good enough , if he really was the sort of person to scare some one , what if she saw something in him he didn't know was there.....

His phone notification brought him back in the room and he looked at the screen. Teri !

He was nervous to read it , what would it say , would she  want him arrested for stalking , entering her room without an invite , sexually harass her ? He could imagine the headlines,  the look of dissapointment on his brothers faces . .. his hand actually shook slightly as he pressed open on the message ..

" hi , sorry about earlier . What did you need ?"

He stared at the screen , sorry about earlier , was that it ? What does he need ? Was she really going to pretend that nothing big had happened ?!

Then a thought occurred to him , maybe it wasn't fear like imminent danger fear but maybe something more personal,  he was convinced she was female but she definitely dressed masculine , maybe she identified as a male and was worried he could tell her figure under the robe ?
He actually put his hand to his head , all these theories were great but that's all they were.... theories,  he was begining to realise there was a lot more to Teri than he had first thought,  and the fact she hadn't gone screaming to her supervisor about him actually said volumes about her character .

If normal was how she wanted to play it then that's what he would do but he was going to have to try and be a bit more careful around her until he knew more about her.

As he typed his reply it did occur to him that he was taking quite a bit of interest in someone he just wanted physically , but he buried that thought by explaining to himself the more he knew the better the game would be .

" I am sorry I made you jump , I said hello as I came into the room but you mustn't have heard me. I was hoping if not busy you could help me with some extra work please "

Teri nibbled on one of her short nails and read the txt again.. he was sorry ? Well that made sense he shouldn't have been there , had he noticed her extreme reaction ? He hadn't said anything about it so maybe he was like most men oblivious to anything around them that didn't involve them. She breathed a sigh of relief,  after ditching him in town earlier she had wondered what his next step would be , ' guess working over time is my punishment ' she thought.

Now the moment was passed and she was dressed in black cargo pants , black doc Martin boots and a black oversized hoody she felt more herself ..her camouflage was back in place..she replied asking where he wanted her to go and once she got the room number she set off..prepared , one on one she knew she could take on most men, she was slim but she had taken numerous self defense was only because I was shocked earlier ..she told herself as she walked down the corridor of the hotel looking for Suga's door number .

She passed a sad looking Rm on the way , he barely saw her , he was stood staring out a window with his phone in his hand willing it to ring , she felt bad for him , the pretty lady from the begining of the tour had seemed lovely.

She found Suga's door and knocked. .he opened it immediately and Teri said " and that's how you enter a room politely " the sarcasm dripped off her tongue as she walked in taking her shoes off and waited .

Suga , who had been all prepared to say sorry again swallowed his words,  she really did know how to rile him , all his good intentions and doubts flew out the window when she was near him..he went and stood infront of her and bent at the waist so he was up close and personal in her face .." most people would love to find me sitting on a bed in their room " he said with a cocky smirk

Teri crossed her arms " I'm not most people " she said , damned if she was going to back down first,  they stared at each bother  and Suga came as close as he could with out physically touching her , again he saw her pupils dilate , should he step back..he wondered briefly. She must have seen his doubt because she started to smile ..the smile left though when he said in a soft quiet and oh so sexy voice " are you sure about that ?"

Suga  A backstage RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now