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Teri was furious,  not just angry or a little cross , she was so pissed off at that moment that she honestly wanted to inflict violence on him , and she didn't like violence at all.

He was smug , she could see it in his face , staring out the window as he drove she could see the corners of his mouth twitching trying not to smile ...God she wanted to smack that smile off his face .

He was smirking , he couldn't help himself . He now knew with out a shadow of a doubt he could have Teri when ever he wanted , it was just a matter of time.

They'd been driving for nearly half an hour and neither had said a word , Teri wanted out the car so badly , but wouldn't give him the satisfaction of asking him to stop the car .
It took the entire journey to compose herself but when they did pull up at the address she had given him she was outwardly calm and polite ... hand on the door handle she turned to him and said  " thank you for the lift , I can make my own way back "

She opened her door and went to move but got caught as she realised she'd forgotten to undo her belt , cursing at her stupidity she went to unclick it , but Suga got there first , smiling sweetly at her he said " I'll be back in one hour to pick you up "

She stared at him coldly " I'm fine , thank you anyway "

This time she made it out the passenger door and went to the back of the car and opened the boot, determined not to do anything more to embarress herself she put her phone in her back pocket and managed to lay the garments under her sling , holding them tight to her body and then used her good hand to slam the boot shut and walk off in the direction of the store.

Suga actually laughed out loud , she was so funny when she was cross and beautiful......That stopped him laughing for a moment , did he find Teri beautiful?.... He was obviously attracted to her , but the word beautiful wasn't something he'd usually associate with his sexual partners .

He mulled this thought over whilst driving round the block and by the time the hour was up he had managed  dismiss his thoughts as over thinking and had gone back to wondering what next he could do in the pursuit of Teri, and how long would he wait before making his big move .

He pulled up to where he had dropped her off and waited patiently.  The windows on the car were dark he wasn't worried about being seen and he enjoyed the peaceful time just people watching .

He wondered how many were Army , and how many had never even heard of him.
Fame was such a fickle notion. It wasn't even something he'd wanted originally , he'd wanted to write music and be the strength behind an artist, now look at him , he chuckled and checked his phone for the time.

She should have been back 20 minutes ago ? He found her name in his contacts and rang .

Her cheery voice answered almost immediately " hello "

" where are you ?" He said with out so much as a greeting in return

" who ? Me ? " came Teri's saccharine sweet voice across the line and Suga had a bad feeling he wouldn't like her response ..." yes you ..obviously " he said , starting to feel cross

" oh I'm almost back at the hotel " she said smiling to herself " I did say I didnt need a lift , I'm so sorry if you waited around for me , I didn't see the car so thought you'd left " truth was she had watched him drive off , taken the clothes in and arranged for them to be delivered instead of collected and ran as fast as her legs would take her to the nearest subway .

She'd felt quite pleased with herself too .  Now let's see who's laughing she thought to herself waiting for Sugas response.

Suga hung up .

Oh she thinks she clever does she ?' He thought to himself as he carefully maneuvered the car into the traffic.

Oh he could make her life hell if he wanted . And he wanted ...who did she think he was , millions of people would sell their soul to have him drive them around , he wasn't being boastful just knew it to be true , yet she had had the audacity to... well in essence stand him up !

He was angry yes , but also hmm what was the word he was looking for , he'd never had to work so hard before , usually his choice of sexual partners would be almost begging him , yet despite knowing she wanted him she was playing hard to get ..it was novel and exhilarating,  and frustrating he thought going back to his first emotion of anger and how he was going to get her back for today's little stunt.

Pulling  up in the underground garage of the hotel he wondered if the staff had been given the evening off too. He pulled out his phone and rang  his manager and asked for the contact details of Teri's supervisor. 
He smiled as the phone pinged with a number and he was humming to him self as he made his way back up to his room. He needed to collect his thoughts before making the phone call, and figure out the excuse he needed to use .

Teri was enjoying a much need soak in the bath, her bad arm resting on the side . Oh the luxury she thought , it was barely 5 in the evening and she was floating almost ,  in a bath with the whole evening to her self . Bliss

She heard her phone ring , but ignored it , she wasn't working currently , this was her time. The phone stopped and she closed her eyes.

She could have fallen asleep but she'd been disturbed by her room mate coming back into the room . She sighed , just as well , she'd thought , she didnt want her arm to get wet.

Using her one arm she washed her hair and body and then got out,  she tried to dry herself but it wasn't easy and in the end she just wrapped herself in the hotels toweling robe and decided that would have to do and maybe her room mate would help with the belt.

She slipped her feet into her slippers and holding the robe closed with her bad arm left the bathroom calling her room mates name.

The voice that said hello though was not her friend and she screamed.  Suga was sat on the edge of her bed as nonchalant as can be , in her fright she almost let go of the robe and that frightened her more .

With out her armour of masculine clothes she felt naked and afraid. She turned on her heel and ran back into the bathroom , slamming the door behind her .

Suga  A backstage RomanceTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon