agreement made

16 4 1

Teri's mind went blank,  ' what the hell was she supposed to say to that.?'
" What do you mean ?" she asked
" I mean exactly what I said, I want you and I'm willing to have you on your terms I know you still want me we just had...... a bit of a misunderstanding"

He knew the moment the words were out of his mouth that they were probably the wrong thing to say..he tried to back track quickly " what I meant is I was wrong to get you demoted , I shouldn't have lashed out after that night , I was confused and hurt,  but I should have spoken to you,  and I didn't. I'm sorry "

He waited , holding his breath , had he said enough ?

She needed time to process what he was saying , in the past she'd make a move on someone she wanted and then either tie their hands up or just keep her top on and say her chest was a no go area...because most just wanted anonymous sex ,they didn't question her , and she didn't have to see them again after , but this was Suga.

" I need time to think " she said , relief that is wasn't a no  washed through him " okay " he said unsuccessfully hiding his  smile in his voice " I have the next few days off , maybe we could plan something with in that time?"

" I didn't say yes " she said, grabbing her shoes and marching out the door...she thought she heard 'but you didn't say no either " just as the door shut behind her . Slipping her shoes on she made her way quickly down to her shared room. Thankfully it was with only one other person this time and it was the blonde that she thought fancied her . So no room dramas on the horizon at least.

She stripped off and took a shower , as she let the heat of the water spray envelope her , her mind was taken back to another shower scene , one where her and Suga had almost kissed , how the air had literally sizzled between them.
.She knew if she had sex with Suga it was likely to be better than she had ever had before,  he had an aura , a presence that just oozed sexual confidence .

Just the memory of his lips on her , the need that she had felt both from him and her own desire was enough to make her throb there and then in the shower.

Would having sex with him ruin any future encounters ? She wondered , would he abide by her rules ? Would they both be able to walk away after. ? Where they talking a one off , or a temporary thing whilst on tour , was she really considering this ?

Ignoring the ache in her body from the numerous memories , she washed and scrubbed herself dry before changing into baggy sweatpants and hoody. She needed to exercise,  make her muscles burn , stop thinking for just a little while that what she did.

Suga , was staring at his computer screen , he had so many jobs he should be doing,  editing , producing , emails to reply to , so many things that even though they weren't performing for a few days , it never quite felt like he had a day off , how ever , at that moment nothing was distracting him from thoughts of Teri , she hadnt said no ! Just the thought of having her back between his legs was making him erect , and he kept having to push it down and pace around his room.

He wanted the real thing , he wanted Teri in a such a bad way that even the thought of masterbating seemed dull compared to what he knew he'd have when she said yes .

He wondered how long she would keep him waiting , he wondered what her rules would be , he guessed one,  no taking her top off , it's a shame because he didn't think any amount of scar would take away her attraction , in fact he had never found scars ugly , he even had a fake scar when he became Agust D , but he knew that would take some convincing and he wasn't the man for that , he was proposing mutual relief from sexual tension, it would take a very special man to teach Teri how to love herself .

Maybe though ,  he wouldn't be with her long enough to teach her that,  but he could maybe start the process by making her feel confident ?.. he wasn't sure how though , or why it suddenly seemed important to him to be able to help her so he pushed the thought away and went back to pacing.

Teri had spent the whole day either jogging , working out ,or sat thinking...she had come to a conclusion , she still wanted him , her body reacted to the memory everytime she thought about that evening , and that want wasn't going away , so she was going to have to say yes. Just like when a song got stuck in your head , the only way to get it out of your head was to listen to the whole song through,  that's how she felt now about sex with Suga..they had started and her body wouldn't relax until it had got what it wanted all the way through.

She looked at the time , it was nearly 5 in the evening , would tonight be too soon ?

Mind made up she ordered a pizza from room service and opened a small single person bottle of wine from the mini fridge , she didn't want to get drunk but a bit of Greek courage wouldn't hurt .

While she waited for the food to arrive she wrote Suga a txt. Less personal and a lot easier to write than talk, she thought , admitting her cowardness to herself.

" dear suga......" delete.....Suga.......delete"

She sighed and took a mouthful of wine , ' why is this so difficult ?' She said to the phone before trying again.

" I have rules , " she wrote "  for personal reasons I will keep my top on , if you think you can't abide by that rule I suggest handcuffs or ties ,

Secondly , I am not agreeing to this to get my job back but after this tour I think you should at least write me a letter of recommendation so me being demoted doesn't stain my reputation.

Thirdly,  this is a temporary meeting of two bodies to alleviate a physical need ,

Lastly we do not advertise our relationship , nor do we pry into each others lives.

We can meet up when it is mutually beneficial for us with out retribution if one or the other is busy and the agreement comes to an end when one or the other is satisfied. When that happens the other let's that person go with out regret.

She read it back through a couple of time , hand nervously hovering over the send button...she finished her one glass of wine and said ' just send it ' out loud to the room before summoning her courage and doing so.

With in seconds her phone bleeped with a reply " I agree to all terms and I'm free any time from 7 onwards if that suits you ?"

Teris tummy did a little backflip with nerves and excitement .

Suga  A backstage RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now