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Much to Sugas annoyance he didn't manage to catch her , Rm caught him instead , all excited and nervous because he was going back to see his Rose , he honestly tried to give him his full attention both on the ride to the airport and on the plane,  but he couldn't,  his mind was definitely fixated on Teri...there was something in her voice , a pain in her eyes , maybe it really hadn't been about him and stupid revenge. Maybe he really did care enough to want to find out .  ' care ?! ' he almost jumped out of his seat and Rm , who had been talking about baby names and butterflies or something , put his hand out and said " are you OK ?"

He laughed and said " I am definitely not okay but I will be . Don't worry about me go and give Rose a big kiss for me and say hi to my niece "

Rm let it drop , he knew Suga well enough that if and when he wanted to talk something through he would.

Suga looked for Teri as the exited the plane but was swept up with security and managers , and he looked for her as the left the airport but again was ushered quickly into the waiting cars so it wasn't until they ahd all checked into their hotel could he breath and relax long enough to try to form a plan.

He needed to find her and understand exactly what happened , he ignored the reason why and concentrated on the small possibility that maybe they could salvage their budding , flirty relationship and perhaps have some fun while still on tour .

First though he needed to find her , he wondered if she would answer her phone. went straight to voicemail.  Frustration kicked in but he wasnt ready to give up.
After a phone call to the head of staff he knew that the assistants were all off for a few days like him and the boys , and most had gone out for dinner and drinks. 

For a moment he had contemplated going to join them but quickly squashed that idea , too many paparazzi buzzing around. So he usual the company had rented the entire top floor and there was only 2 elevators , one that took him, his brothers and immediate staff and the others for everyone else.

He positioned himself just outside the lift around 11 o clock in the hopes she wouldn't be out too late and waited . Everytime the door opened his heart did a little flip of antisipation but it wasn't her , 11 turned to 12 and he sat down in the corridor and took his phone out.

He had a few strange looks from other staff that came and went but no one questioned him , he was the idol and most understaff barely dared to speak to him  , they'd just nod with a bow and pass quickly.

It was almost 1 am and he stood up , resigned that he wouldn't see her tonight and started walking when the lift dinged . His turned and saw a very wobbly Teri,  using the wall to keep her upright , making her way down the corridor.

She stopped when she saw him and laughed , then frowned and then pointed at him " you!" She said coming towards him " it's all your fault !" She said and she left the wall and used his shoulders to balance herself ..she looked him in the eye and her expression changed to one of sadness " actually " she said quietly " it's all my fault isn't it ?" She closed her eyes and for one moment he thought she was going to pass out in him , but she rallied herself and stood up , her face was close to his and he honestly wasn't sure what to do , he'd come to get answers but she was drunk , answers would have to wait " come on Teri,  I'll take you to your room , what's your number ?"
She giggled and recited her phone number , and then promptly sat on the floor and started to undo the laces of her boots .
Suga cursed as he failed to catch her and then rolled his eyes , he'd waited all night to play babysitter , he should leave her ..but then the lift dinged again and the young lad that made Teri smile stepped out , he saw the scene and came rushing forward , bowing low he said " sir I apologise for Teri,  sorry to be disturbing you , I can take Teri from here "
He went to lift Teri up but Suga blocked him with his body , thinking fast he said " Teri is my assistant , Its no bother , you may leave "
The poor lad was torn between obeying the boss and not wanting to leave Teri,  but rules were rules and heirachy was very much in place in korean society so he had no choice but to bow out and leave , as he turned Suga said " do you know Teri's room number , the lad shook his head and scuttled away leaving suga feeling a sense of satisfaction that he hadn't know that small detail.

Deciding he would have to take her to his room before anyone else came by he easily scooped her up in his arms and walked down the winding corridor through some doors and into his room with out being seen.

He sat her on the bed and helped her remove her boots , just as he got the last boot off she sat up and wrapped her arms around his neck , eyes glazed and unfocused she said " if I was pretty would we have sex now ? "
Taken aback he sat back on his heels and looked at her , ' what did she mean by that ?'He wondered , but instead of answers,  he just gently laid her back and said " sleep Teri, we can talk in the morning "

She moaned but allowed herself to relax and then started tugging at the hem of her tee shirt " hot .." she said , eyes closed , suga reached out to stop her but not before Teri had raised the hem above her ribcage and something caught his eye..a scar , an old jagged scar from just under her sports bra disappearing under the soft material.

He jumped back , was this it !? The reason ? Teri was still trying to undress but with out sitting up all she could do was flap at her clothes,    Suga grabbed her hands and said " stop !" In a stern voice ..she opened her eyes and focused for just a second on his face , a single tear slipped from her eye and then she fell asleep , leaving Suga to watch and wonder what on earth had happened to her.

Eventually he went and laid on his sofa , and fell into a fitful sleep , he would get his answers tomorrow , he thought...maybe .

Suga  A backstage RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now