confused tensions

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Suga sat on the toilet seat while Teri took down the shower hose and ran the water over her outstretched hand  until warm . Once she was satisfied with the temperature she turned to him and thats when it occurred to her ...this was a shower cubicle ? How was she supposed to rinse his hair in a shower cubicle ? She looked at the little hand basin , was that an option ? She shook her head it was tiny , she looked at Suga " ermm ?"

It took a moment for him to realise the problem and then he laughed " we could both strip and stand in the shower together " he was clearly joking but she blushed and coughed and turned her back on him again and faced the inside of the cubicle.

" you could do it yourself " she mumbled under her breath , but he heard  and stood up . Standing up brought him directly behind her , so close she could feel his breath on her neck.

" I definitely need you to help me " he said .

' what the fuck ' she thought to herself as her knees actually went weak and she had to steady herself on the edge of the shower cubicle,  but in doing so the other hand, her bad hand that had been holding the shower with mostly her fingers .. dropped and a spray of water went everywhere , Teri shrieked and Suga jumped back , she bumped into him in the process and somehow , water still falling every which way she ended up on his lap and him back on the toilet seat .

If it had been a k drama the scene would have slowed down,  dramatic music playing in the back ground,  droplets of water catching the light.

Suga looking comical with his hair still in foils and Teri's oversized jumper was sodden . Shocked she remained sat on his lap, his hands had come round to support her and were perilously close to her under breasts.  A fact that seem to penetrate the panicked haze of Suga first..he couldn't help it , his body reacted , his hands tightened ever so slightly around her rib cage .

The second she felt his cock beneath her arse , heat flooded her body in want,  but her legs had other plans and she was on  her feet and grasping for the taps before she could even think about the sensations that were coursing through her body .

There was an uncomfortable moment while they both pulled themselves together and then she started to laugh,  it was a mix of hysterical and comical for the whole situation and Suga couldn't help but notice how her smiling,  laughing literally lit her face up .
" beautiful " he said mostly to himself . She stopped laughing and looked at him. ' did he just call her beautiful?' She shook her head no way.

Seeing towels on a rail she quickly grabbed some and laid them on the floor to soak up some of the water . She cleared her throat and then stood up , feeling composed she said " I'm sorry about the mess. I will clean it up but we really do need to get the solution off your head before you end up white instead of Ash blonde.

In the end suga knelt on the floor with his head over the edge of the cubicle while she held the hose over his head and deftly took the foils out. She had washed many peoples hair before  but having her hands in his hair , remembering how he had reacted to her earlier , had her tummy doing somersaults.

Suga wasn't doing much better , his body , although now under his control,  didn't want to be held in check , she was knelt beside him,  her fingers massaging his scalp with shampoo , he could feel the heat from her thighs , almost touching him.

Neither said a word.. Once his hair was washed she wrapped his head in a towel and they both walked back into his room.

" erm , would you mind if I changed my clothes before blowdrying your hair ?"
Shit his mind had said blow job and his cock had twitched again. Thinking he would need the moment alone he said sure and watched her practically run out the room.

He wondered if he would have enough time before she came back to have a quick wank , just to ease the frustration , but didn't want her walking in on him mid stroke so to speak so decided to wait.

It occurred to him that he probably  wouldn't ,didnt want to .. let this game of chase go on for much longer ... he was now almost certain he had been right the first time round , she desired him , but he also suspected she was a little afraid too , and that troubled him .

He never got emotionally involved in his sexual partners,  couldnt afford it , music and his brothers came first,  but for some reason it troubled him to think that some one had made Teri feel fear, was this the reason she hid ?

Teri ran into her room and much to her surprise she burst into tears.

Scrubbing her face and willing herself to stop she tried to figure out why..because you want him ?
Came her thoughts ..she shook her head ' no it was more , she'd wanted , sexually,  men before,  sometimes she'd let them have sex with her , some times she'd decided it hadn't been worth the effort, this was different,  she didn't just want to have anonymous sex with him , sex where she could get up and leave the next day , sex where she was in control,  she wanted ....what ? She asked herself..but she didn't have an answer ...she just knew what she didn't want .

She shivered and remembered that she still hadn't changed . She stripped in her bathroom and chucked on a tracksuit .,  she undid the velcro on her wrist and gently dried it best she could before putting the plastic cast back on. She then washed her face and got herself a bottle of water from the fridge.

She didn't have time to think any more , she still had a job to do .

Walking back to Suga's room she passed Tae and Jk , who nodded at her politely and carried in walking down the hall , she wondered where they were going and marvelled once again at their happiness. Any one that had spent anytime around them could see they loved each other a lot and it was little things like that , that made her wonder if maybe one day she would be that free to love some one too.

She arrived back at Suga's  room determined to dry and style his hair and get out of there as fast as she could.

He let her in as she knocked,  and she noticed he had changed also. Keeping her head held high she walked past him and took he hairdryer and brush out of her bag. With out being told he sat back in the chair and waited.

Coming up behind him she took the towel off his head to get her first proper look at his semi dry hair now and gasped .... 

Suga  A backstage RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now