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The last week or so had become some of the happiest days of Sugas life , although Teri still hadn't been brave enough to show him her scar , it wasn't such a taboo subject anymore and Suga was more than content with everything else . He had performed better , slept better , smiled more . Tonight was their final show and as much as he loved it he couldn't wait to go home. There were so many changes on the horizon and ordinarily he hated change , feared it some might say , but for some reason he was almost looking forward to it this time.
He still worried about Rm and the impact his marriage and baby would bring but that dark cloud was kept away with the thought of being an uncle and being able to spend more time with Teri once back home .

He looked over at his still messy bed...she had not long left yet all he could think about was how soon he would get to see her again.
He drank from his morning coffee... their relationship had become..well a relationship .. something neither had had before, but something they both had gone into with enthusiasm. No words of love had passed their lips but he at least was willing to perhaps contemplate the word in his mind. He certainly couldn't imagine not having her to come home to , whether is was to eat a meal , talk about his day , bounce lyrics off or make love to , she was in his every thought. He suspected she felt the same but he knew she was still a little skittish and unsure of ' them' so he didn't force it , he just hoped it.

Later that evening as everyone was getting ready for the show , he couldn't help catching her eye every opportunity he got , and he loved how she would blush and shake her head , telling him off with out words.
He looked around at his brothers and wondered when he would find the right time to tell them about Teri. He was a private person by nature , but they were his family and he wanted them to share his happiness.
He noticed Rm in one corner , already dressed and wired up , he looked stressed and he was happy that his brother would get to see his wife soon.
Tae and Jk were as always with each other , helping each other dress and put their mic packs on. He saw Tae gently brush Jks cheek and smiled , their love was so natural now , accepted ...he wondered if he and Teri would end up like that .

Jin was making JHope laugh in another corner whilst an exasperated make up technician was trying to finish their make up, and Jimin...he looked around , caught Jimins eye and smiled.

Jimin came over " a smile from you ?..are you unwell ?" He joked . Suga shook his head " just happy " he said " when this show is over we all get to go back home , eat our own food , take a few days off and hide in our rooms " Jimin laughed " I can't wait , I love touring , I love the stage , but we need to get Rm home and you and I need a good drinking session so you can tell me all your little secrets " he laughed and walked off leaving Suga slightly perplexed ' did he know about Teri ?'
He didn't have time to wonder though , it was time to go on stage . His body protested a little as he stood up but saw Teri , who smiled and did the fighting sign with her fist , he smiled back and walked out with his brothers. His mind half on the show and half on what he and Teri would be doing as soon as it was over.


He saw her , standing at the edge of the stage as he and the guys were wrapping up their final speeches , at first he had thought she had come to see him but she looked worried , and she was looking at Rm. A heavy feeling came over the pit of his stomach.

As they walked off the stage she came rushing over to Rm.

It wasn't long before all hands were needed, Rose , Rms wife had been told she needed to be admitted for her own health and that of their unborn baby , but Rm was here in Greece and Rose was back in Korea.
Between him and his brothers it didn't take hardly anytime though to see Rm on his way with well wishes and good lucks, then they all went back to the hotel and waited for news.
Management had wanted them to stay 2 more days to do one more interview but on hearing this they had all objected and won.

With their flights finally booked for the next day he had crawled wearily into bed.. alone.
If the boys were going home , everyone was, so reluctantly Teri had gone back to her own room to pack and sleep.

He was exhausted but he couldn't stop thinking . He was worried about Rose and the baby , dark thoughts of what if some thing went wrong kept him awake , as well as the lack of warmth in the bed with Teri missing. He also didn't know when he would see her again as he knew the next few days would be taken up with travelling and Rm .

In fact it was nearly a week before he managed to see her , So much had happened , Rms baby had been born , early but healthy and he and his brothers had even managed a quick visit, but then the world had found out about it and they'd all been busy sorting the shit storm out.

They'd had a meeting and thinking about Teri Suga had even declared quite passionately that they all deserved to be loved , himself included , and that had led to them holding a press conference, where poor Rm had had to stand up and face the world. He had always admired his leader and this just proved what an amazing man he was. Suga only hoped that one day , if he was ever ready to tell the world about a love , that he wouldn't have to go through as much . Rm had said at the time that as their leader it was only right perhaps that he could pave the way for them all .
He really hoped that was true. After the press conference , and the fear of being seen had been taken care off they had all managed another visit with their new niece and Suga felt true love and an overwhelming desire to protect this little girl.

He had vowed to be a great uncle and thought maybe he too would make a good dad. images of Teri popped into his mind ..

He had messaged her earlier that day and she said she would wait for him . She had her own tiny rented apartment in the city. He had promised to come when he had finished work and as his world was currently alright he had managed to spend the last few hours completely engrossed in his music , in fact when his phone alerted him to a message he had even felt frustrated at having his concentration broken... but then he read " I'm waiting " from Teri and all other thoughts flew out the window. His girl was waiting for him..

Suga  A backstage RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now