more fun

30 5 1

It was still early when they finished, both panting on the bed , both wondering what happens next.

Teri kept her eyes shut, the little kiss on the nose a little too intimate to think about. Suga watched her for a while , her lips slightly swollen from their kisses. he didn't want her to leave, he wondered what to say to get her to stay longer, maybe even the night , maybe they could go again, there was so many things he still wanted to do with her, he just couldn't seem to get her out of his system .

Just then he heard her tummy rumble, she pulled herself up in to a fetal position, an embarrassed grin on her face, he smiled " how about I order up some food ?" 

She opened her eyes and nodded .. although this wasn't the first time they'd had sex it was the first time she'd had to deal with the awkward after sex moment, after their first encounter they had both fallen asleep , and after she had given him a blow job the next morning she had left immediately.. she just wasn't used to sticking around.

She sat up, reached for her under shorts and slipped them on under the cover, she still had her tee  shirt on and it came down to mid thigh. " I'm just going to the bathroom " she said as she scurried across the room  and shut the door behind her telling herself to pull herself together " just because you've had sex with the man doesn't mean you cant talk to him like normal and share a meal " she told her reflection in the mirror quietly.

" any preference of food ?" came Suga's voice through the door , shocked and worried he might have heard her speaking to herself she answered  " nope I'm good with anything thanks " quickly and then ran the taps and splashed water on her face.

He had heard  and had found it quite endearing. She put out this air of bravado with those around her but he saw right through her , and that actually made him feel ... special?....

He placed an order with room service and went and sat at his laptop. He wondered how long she would be in the bathroom and thought with a smile if she had her way she would probably stay in there until the food arrived. he gave her another 10 minutes, he could hear the taps running and guessed she was having a strip wash...'nice' he thought ' I just might eat her for my desert '

"Teri ?" he called out ... "Sorry I wont be a minute ...." she replied. 

She'd had a half body wash and made use of a hotels spare toothbrush, and now wondered what to do, did she put her underwear back on ? that seemed a bit well yuk, so in the end thankful for the length of the top she was wearing she kept them off and scrunched them up in her hand behind her back as she left the bathroom.

She found her long shorts on the floor where Suga had tossed then and picked them up hiding her undershorts inside before placing them both on  the bedside cabinet.

Suga was watching her , for a short girl she had surprisingly long legs , or maybe they just looked like that beneath the hem of her top. " you look really sexy right now " he said with a wicked grin " he stood up to come towards her but stopped as room service knocked on the door ..he pulled her in for a quick hard kiss and said " holding that thought " before going to retrieve the food.

The food and the bottle of wine helped alleviate some of the awkward tension Teri was feeling and it wasn't long before they were chatting away like old friends , each sat on a kitchen chair at the counter facing each other...
Suga asked questions about her life , which she managed to avoid answering with anything serious , instead told him funny stories , stories about ex famous clients and their diva habits , stories of getting into trouble at school,  nothing deep and nothing that was too personal . Suga laughed along with her , but was secretly frustrated . No matter the question she managed to divert and turn into a funny anecdote but he found himself wanting to know the real her .

Apart from his sexual encounters his whole life , and the life of his brothers  had been public knowledge for years so finding someone who had so many secrets intrigued him.

For now though he let it go..he would have time to explore his reasons , and her . They both had one more day  and night until they both had to get ready for their final leg of the tour , and Namjoon was back the day after tomorrow so he'd be busy , but he was sure that the nights would still be pretty available .

She wasn't drunk but a couple of glasses of wine had definitely relaxed her and now she was feeling all horny again.
Knowing she was naked under her top made her feel wanton almost. She lifted her bare leg up and placed her foot on the chair between Suga's thighs and then using her foot gently rubbed at his balls.

He smiled and raised an eyebrow in question and ran his hand up her leg from her ankle , feeling her smooth pussy with his finger tips.

" you have beautiful and very sexy legs " he said , his words made her feel warm and womanly inside. She stood up and straddled him letting her heat rest against his rapidly growing shaft.

She kissed him , and then said , " I think it's my turn to do the work " She giggled and rotated her hips , his robe had fallen open and all that was between them was the material of his undershorts.

" that's fine by me " he said " but let's go some where more comfortable " he scooped her up and carried her over to the bed before sitting back down with her still on his lap .  He started to kiss her but she giggled " that's a great move genius but there's a slight problem " turned on it took a moment to realise she meant his shorts. He laid back and grabbed her hips..
Some how he managed to scoot her up so her hot dripping wet pussy was over his mouth and he devoured her . He also managed to slip his shorts off too and grab a condom off the side,  but no way he could put it on. He dropped it on the bed , she tasted so good.  Sweet and tangy , at this angle every drop went into his throat and he loved it . She had to steady herself by putting her hands against the wall as he grabbed her waist and tongue fucked her into oblivion. As she screamed "Fuck!!" Her juices filled his throat and a very masculine sense of pride washed through him.

She was panting and practically sitting on his chest , when she realised he was putting the condom on .." you're going to kill me " she said half joking ..
" but what a way to go !" He replied before maneuvering her down to sit above his cock and slide her on.

Suga  A backstage RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now