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Suga didn't want to admit how much he had missed Teri last night . Despite knowing she wouldn't be there for the final show he had secretly hoped and looked for her .

Now he also had to go through another two days before he would see her .

Dissapointment washed through him as he packed the last of his equipment up from the hotel room.

He never went anywhere with out at least his laptop and mixing gear.

It was only a short flight to Germany and with a pen and paper in hand he managed to keep his mind off Teri for most of the flight. If he seemed even more distant or distracted to the others they hadn't said , or maybe hadn't even noticed , so apparent was Rms pain that everyone seemed to be paying extra attention to Rm and leaving him alone , which he preferred .

Once settled into their new hotel room , their manager had given them the afternoon and evening off . Rm was spending it in his room video calling Rose , the married couple were also staying in their room and he didn't want to imagine what they were doing. He chuckled to himself.
Maybe he would just go out and get some fresh air , of an evening , with a mask and cap on he felt confident he could walk around fairly undetected, although obviously security would have to come with him...unless he went for a drive instead. He knew they drove on the same side of the road as Korea here , unlike England .

Deciding that a drive would be best if he wanted to be alone he let security and the guys know and left the hotel.

Army were camped out the front but he had access to to private carpark so made his way down the back stair way.

He'd gone down two flights when he saw her . He stopped and observed silently from his higher position, she was on the phone , juggling numerous items of clothing, all with one hand while her broken wrist was still in a sling.

" anything else ?" He heard her ask and then watched as she rolled her eyes and hung up. He wondered where she was going and waited to see what she would do next , whilst secretly admiring her look for the day.

Her hair was still black but it was spiky again , all over , like she'd just mussed it all up and let it stand where it stopped . She was wearing skinny jeans with rips in and Doc Martin boots that JK would love , Topped with a bright red hoody that completely engulfed her.

He could hear she was mumbling under her breath and then watched as she tried to open a door .

He could see what was about to happen before it happened, as Teri tried to open the heavy fire exit door , hold onto her phone and the piles of clothes he knew Teri was headed for disaster .

Leaping two steps at a time he rushed to her side and managed to catch the phone and most of the clothes before they all hit the floor, making Teri jump with surprise and almost fall as well.

She managed to right herself quickly, with out needing his help and wondered what he was doing there ? She stared at him , and where did he come from?
Embarressed to have almost fallen in front of him she said a short " thanks " gave the tiniest of nods and grabbed the phone out of his hand .
She put it in her pocket and held her good hand out for the clothes .

Suga was speechless , for one awful moment he had truly thought she was going to tumble down a flight of concrete steps and he was still concentrating on not showing his shock and fear when she took the phone back from him.

He let her but held onto to clothes when she asked for them " where are you going ? " he said

She wanted to say none of your business but remembered last moment he was technically one of her bosses . She mentally sighed and said " I have to get these dry cleaned before tomorrow. I found a cleaners down town that do hour services so was going there."

" come on " Suga said opening the door to the underground garage . With out giving her the chance to argue he walked through the door , barely holding it open long enough for her to walk through and towards one of several black suv's the company had hired out .

Whilst gratful she didn't have to navigate the U-Bahn by herself. She would rather have had any one give her a lift instead of Suga . The thought if sitting in that close proximity to him , in a confined space did funny things to her tummy.

Like a sulking child she followed behind , wondering if there was any feasable reason to not accept, but there wasn't.

Suga stood patiently waiting , holding the passenger side door open for her , even placed his hand under the door frame so she didn't bump her head. This little act if chivalry didn't go unnoticed by Teri but she did choose to ignore it.

She sat like a statue, back straight, her good arm cupping her bad arm to her chest , she watched as he loaded the boot up with the clothes and then climbed in the car .

She stared straight ahead and barely breathed . When nearly a whole minute passed and he hadn't started the car she stole a look at him quizzically . As she lifted her head up slightly Suga leant right across her , one hand on the back of her seat , his breath fluttered across her neck as he reached for her seat belt , he clasped it with his hand and pulled it out slightly ,then looked at her , their faces inches apart ' is he going to kiss me ?' She wondered in panic ' do I want him to kiss me !?' came the even more panicked thought , she stared at his lips , her heart sped up, time seems to stop and then he said ..." can you move your arms , I need to plug the belt in before I can drive "

Mortified she quickly did as she was told , trying to take the buckle out of his hand to do it herself , but her hand ended up touching his and she gasped , pulling it back fast , as though he had burnt her , if she had been the sort of girl to blush she would have turned scarlet by now .

She let him plug her belt in and stared out the window, calling herself all sorts of names and him.

Suga was silently chuckling to himself, he had seen this move in so many k dramas and thought how cliche , and since when did the female lead not know how to put a seat belt on , yet when he had got into the car Teri hadn't done it . Incredibly he had waited but when she still hadn't made a move he thought maybe this does happen in real life and gave it a try.

It had been worth it , he had been so close that he'd seen her pupils dilate , the light hadn't changed in the car , she wasn't choking so the only logical reason had to be desire . He had honestly thought about kissing her , just for a fraction of a second, but then changed his mind ,, this chase with Teri was the most fun he'd had in a while.....whilst sex was always great , his partners never lasted, he didn't have that in him or expect it , his life was Army and music and he had no intention of sharing that with anyone. Look at all the stress Rm was currently going through.

Plus , on paper he may be a catch , with all the marry me Suga comments floating about , but inside he knew he was broken and it took all of his strength to get through each day with out any one seeing the real him. . He was only good for one thing , sex , and he was good at it , and anyone he had ever fucked had always been like minded partners, consensual fun , private and short term.

He didn't know how Teri felt about anything yet other than she wanted him, but would she want more from him than he would be willing to give .

Suga  A backstage RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now