New enemies

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Hong Kong 05/03/2023 00:42

It didn't take long for Overwatch to find Floyd Lawton, aka Deadshot. Currently he was working for Amanda Waller's Suicide Squad, a wetwork operation that was so far off-the-books that not even the President knew about this. The idea was to take villains with "useful traits" and force them to do missions that were suicidal in nature. If they succeeded, they got time off their sentences. If they didn't, well they'd be too dead to care.

The Suicide Squad wasn't just a team, it was a host of villains that were selected for specific missions. But on this specific op, the line-up included Harley Quinn, Killer Frost, Captain Boomerang, Bronze Tiger, King Shark, and of course; Deadshot. To Jake's knowledge, their mission this time was to seize a data-chip from the Chinese military in an underground bunker beneath the centre of Hong Kong's largest apartment district, regardless of civilian casualties or collateral damage.

This obviously meant that Overwatch would have to take out the squad to make it seem as if the mission completely failed and the Chinese captured Deadshot. Looking over the team get dropped off from a stolen helicopter, Jake took a deep breath in and out before putting on his mask, it was game time. Noticing the squad had split up to take on various different tasks, Overwatch followed Lawton to a nearby sniper's nest where he was set up to provide a lookout. Jamming Lawton's communications, Overwatch slowly stepped into the room with his hands in the air as a sign that he wasn't a threat.

Hastily spinning around and pointing his wrist mounted SMGs at the hero, Deadshot almost pulled the trigger when he heard the words; "I can get you back to your daughter". It was a bold move considering that Floyd's only drive in life was to one day re-unite with his daughter, Zoe Lawton. "You have five seconds to tell me exactly how you plan to do that before I put a bullet in your head."

"I have a plan to get you away from Task Force X and remove that bomb in your head. But we have to move quickly before Waller notices I have hacked your video feed and corrupted the audio systems."

Nodding his head in agreement, Overwatch quickly explained the plan with how he was going to orchestrate Lawton's arrest by the Chinese government before breaking him out during transit. Leaving Lawton to take care of the rest of the squad, Overwatch moved quickly to the next person; Bronze Tiger. This was likely going to be one of the easier opponents to fight seeing as Jake's martial arts skills paired with his gadgets completely dwarfed that of Bronze Tiger.

Finding the combatant standing over the bodies of two bloodied soldiers, Overwatch jumped into action. Landing a solid kick to the villain's back before firing a taser dart at him to subdue him. This quick combo meant that Waller wouldn't be able to tell who or what was taking out her Suicide Squad. Next up on the list was Frost and Quinn, both were fairly easy to sneak up on and taser from behind, but Quinn's clumsy nature made her trip and fall over a nearby rail, causing Overwatch to dive after her unconscious body. Catching her just in time, Jake looked down to see a whole platoon of PLA soldier relaxing in the courtyard below them. Slowly climbing over the apartment rail and putting Quinn gently down on the cold hard concrete floor.

Deciding it was time to raise the alarm, Jake took out his pistol and fired three rounds at the PLA troops below him, intentionally missing all of them. Getting their attention, Overwatch rushed off as dozens of soldiers and law enforcement from across the complex started running up the stairs in pursuit of the shooter. Coming across an unconscious Bronze Tiger, Killer Frost, and Harley Quinn in the process.

Remembering that there were still two members of the Squad in the wind, Overwatch hastily looked for Boomerang and Shark but found no trace of them. This would only work if he let one leave to tell the tale. Finding Harkness casually strolling out of the vault entrance with the data-chip in hand, Overwatch dropped down after jamming Boomerang's video and audio feeds back to Waller. "Hey Boomer, now I'm only going to ask this once; give me the chip and turn yourself in to the Chinese authorities."

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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