Back to school

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Wayne Manor 15/1/2023 14:00hr

"What do you mean I have to go back to school?" Jake exclaimed in shock, he was easily smarter than anyone else attending Gotham Academy. Yeah he understood that maintaining appearances was important but that was what Okkert's was about. "Jake, both Alfred and I talked and we believe that it would be best if you completed this final year of school so that you can get an official qualification to your name."

"What about Overwatch and the new Young Justice recruits?"

"You're good at multitasking, I'm sure you'll figure it out." Bruce responded swiftly, it was clear that he was not taking no for an answer in this matter. Both Dick and Tim were enrolled in Gotham Academy along with Artemis Croft. Drake and Croft received good marks but Tim was on another level, easily learning and applying concepts far ahead of what was expected of his age and he enjoyed it. "Fine, I'll give it a shot, but you better be ready to sign a lot of absence forms."

After finishing lunch and downing the last glass of soda, Jake headed towards the garage before grabbing the keys for the red Audi R8. Speeding off to Wayne Tech for his appointment with Mr Fox, Jake wanted to finish up one of his more recent gadgets. As his car sped across the sprawling road, Jake made a quick phone call to one of his teammates. After a few rings, the man he wanted to talk to finally picked up. "Hey Jake, what's up?"

"Roy, I just wanted to check up on the progress of the training programme for the new recruits. As you know; Megan is in charge of abilities, Dick will teach hand-to-hand combat and you'll be heading up the physical training." Jake confirmed with his red-haired counterpart. Recently the Young Justice team had been split into sub-teams that were more specialised for different roles. Alpha Team was a stealth team consisting of Nightwing, Red Arrow, Artemis and Ms Martian. Bravo Team specialised more in power and would be sent on more aggressive missions like demolitions, this team included Superboy, Zatanna, Aqualad and Kid Flash. Jake would join whichever team would be going out on a mission because of his jack-of-all-trades capacity but whenever he couldn't join the teams on missions Nightwing would lead Alpha and Aqualad would be in charge of Bravo.

After confirming with Harper about the training programme for the latest proteges, Jake finally arrived at Wayne Tech and entered the basement through a hidden entrance. Exiting the car and walking up to one of the dozen workbenches, Jake was soon joined by Lucias Fox, head of R&D at Wayne Tech. "Mr Fox, how's it going with our little project?"

"Well Jake, the sensors and holographic emitters are all functioning at 100%. However, the weapons and communications are a bit bumpy." Mr. Fox answered, the pair had been working on incorporating some of the key systems of the standard holo-glove into a civilian-looking watch that could be worn by Jake and the rest of the Batfamily. "Bumpy, how so?"

"Sometimes it'll work and other times the bugger just decides to do whatever it wants."

"Well, we can't have that now can we?" Jake replied humorously, taking a look through the microscope, he spotted what the issue was. It was a simple wiring issue that Lucias probably overlooked while establishing the holographic display. This particular wire directed power to the microphone and camera but was cross laced with the medical sensors wire. After fixing the slight entanglement, Jake put on the watch to give it a try. It looked just like a normal Garmin Solar Instinct in a dark grey colour scheme. However, this watch packed a lot more than just the standard Garmin accessories.

Equipped with a holographic emitter, the watch could display a small screen about 30cm by 20cm that showed information from a joint network between the Batcomputer, Justice League files and any other files that were linked to the Justice League. The watch also contained an earpiece that could be removed and used by the wearer for communications. A final feature contained within the small piece of technology was a dart shooter that contained a tranquillizer dart and a microphone dart that could be deployed to eavesdrop on unsuspecting foes.

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