Back to Gotham

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Gotham 2/2/2023 22:20

As the bioship flew over Gotham, Jake contacted Nightwing who was still with the trainees. He had a gut feeling that tonight was going to be longer than usual and that he might need backup. Things were already hard enough with the mob, Penguin's arms smuggling crew and Poison Ivy on the loose, so an unknown vigilante going around the city is the last thing Gotham needs.

With his recent experiences in Star City, Jake had come to realize that although both Star City and Gotham City had criminal factions, they were two different breeds. In Star City, one could find more international crime syndicates like the Chinese Triad, Russian Bratva and some South American drug cartels. These factions merely wanted to use the city to spread their products and merchandise to the rest of America or to ship things back to their home countries.

Gotham however, was a completely different ballgame. Take away the super-powered villains and psychopathic circus acts, you still have to deal with the crime families of Gotham. Mainly the Falcone and Maroni families, two of which have had an on/off power struggle for control of Gotham. Then you had Black Mask, a relatively new player to the game but as ruthless and sadistic as they come. All three of these wanted nothing more than control of the city and profit off of its citizens. Even Batman and Overwatch were hesitant to go after these factions due to their political power. If one goes to prison, the other two will try to snatch up their territory, usually resulting in a war on the streets. So a new guy going in guns blazing is definitely the last thing that Gotham needs right now.

Dropping out of the bioship and immediately transitioning into a controlled glide through the buildings, Overwatch scanned through his crimson goggles where this unknown character was last spotted. Spotting an armoured man running on top of a lower building after Harley Quinn, Overwatch descended down to intercept. Before he could even touch the ground, the armoured vigilante jumped into an acrobatic spin and fired three rounds in Overwatch's direction.

Frantically twisting his body to dodge the incoming bullets, Overwatch managed to avoid the first round but was hit in the visor by the second and in the chest by the third. Crashing to the ground, Overwatch's HUD lit up with impact warnings and system failure alerts. Looking through the cracked visor, Jake observed how the hostile grabbed Quinn and dragged her to the edge of the building. Pressing the ejection button just below his ear, the mask jettisoned off his face, revealing the face of a teenage boy in a domino mask staring straight at the armed culprit.

"Where is he Quinn? Where is your boss?" A digital voice spoke with anger boiling just beneath the surface. Jake recognized the voice tech, it was the same as what he used, just an older model and a different pitch. "I don't know whatcha talkin' 'bout."


"Let her go, and let's talk. I'm sure Nightwing and I can help you find him." Jake called from the side of the building with his pistol drawn. He didn't want to escalate the situation but this guy shot first and Jake was confident he'll shoot first again if the opportunity presented itself. But instead of releasing her, the man only gave a sadistic chuckle.

"He he he, now that's funny Overwatch. But I don't need your help or anyone else's for that matter. Oh, and by the way, very poor choice of words." He finished before dropping Harley off the side of the building. Sprinting after her and diving to save her, Overwatch caught her mid-air before twisting his body to minimise the impact of crashing into a parked car. After a groan escaped his lips, Jake looked up to see the masked vigilante's face for the first time. A navy blue glass-like material covered his entire face with two ice-blue eyes lighting up. His body armour consisted of mostly tactical military gear like Crye precision pants and combat boots, reinforced with some high-tech armour plating. His upper body was covered in overlapping plates of blue armour and had a white symbol on his chest that seemed somewhat familiar to Jake.

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