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Gotham City 2/2/2023 23:08

As the Batmobile returned to Overwatch's position, a deep rumble echoed throughout the city of Gotham. Pulling up his hologlove to display the source of the noise, Overwatch saw four large plants erupt from the ground before blooming massive bright yellow flowers. Just as he thought this couldn't get any weirder, the flowers started spewing a lime green gas, encompassing their immediate surroundings.

Jumping in the Batmobile and firing the thruster, Jake steered the car towards WayneTech. He had a feeling he was going to need something special for this and sure enough, reports soon started coming in that Ivy was controlling the citizens of Gotham with her new pheromone, and it was extremely infectious. Gas masks did nothing to stop it seeing as all the gas had to do was simply touch skin to take control of someone.

Ordering Nightwing and Robin to seal themselves off from the spreading gas by fortifying their positions and relay the message to Gordon, Overwatch soon entered the secret underground lab beneath Wayne Tower. Thankfully, Mr. Fox had also seen the reports and put all WayneTech buildings and facilities under full lockdown till the situation was dealt with.

Getting to work immediately, Lucias directed Jake to a prototype Hazmat suit that was going to be proposed to the fire department but seeing as a single unit would cost around $25,000, the project never got past testing stages. But luckily, the field tests had all proven successful and the suit could withstand majority of chemical toxins, radiation levels and heat levels of up to 2,000 degrees Celsius. Coming with a complimentary mask that had its own 60-minute oxygen supply and a titanium halligan that could pry open almost any doorway. Jake quickly got to work modifying the expensive piece of gear to include his utility belt, holster and a backpack that contained various antidotes for other villains' toxins like Scarecrow's fear gas and Joker's venom.

Unfortunately given the bulk of the suit and the extra equipment Jake had to carry with him, he had to leave some of his weapons and gadgets behind like his pistol's extension kit, katana, and bow and arrow set. But to give himself a slight edge against Ivy, Jake grabbed a prototype thermite grenade that could in theory burn Ivy's plants to ash and charcoal.

Thanking Lucias for the gear, Overwatch leapt back into the Batmobile before blasting out of the driveway. By this time, the pheromone had covered almost 80% Gotham and it was still expanding. But just as Overwatch gained a visual of the Botanical Gardens, dozens of civilians flooded the streets in a disorganized blob. Yanking the steering wheel, Overwatch had no choice but to crash the Batmobile into a nearby café to avoid hitting any of the mind-controlled civilians. Getting out of the car, Overwatch saw that the suit was working great against the toxin. Rolling his shoulders back, Overwatch got to work as he grappled up to the rooftops and ran for the gardens.

As civilians climbed up the side of buildings like zombies, Overwatch tossed a few flashbangs to disorientate the mind-controlled crowds. Making his way to the glass window on the roof of the Botanical Gardens, Overwatch dropped into an overgrown hallway that teemed with plant life. Following the hallway to where the pheromone was thickest, Jake saw what seemed like a throne covered with a giant leaf.

Suddenly, half a dozen vines shot out from the sides of the room as Overwatch dodged and flipped his way through the onslaught. But he wasn't Barry Allen or Wally West, eventually getting tangled and lifted into the air. As the teenager struggled in the vines, the leafy throne opened to reveal the green-skinned Poison Ivy. "Now, now Overwatch, did the big bad Bat not tell you that struggling against my plants doesn't work?"

"Yeah but look around. As your vines rushed me, I planted my thermite bombs on them. When they pulled back into the wall, they solidified the explosives' position." Jake taunted, he had hoped that she wouldn't notice this until it was too late. Furious, Ivy produced a massive thorn the size of a small sword and lunged at Overwatch. But just before she could, Overwatch told her that if his suit was pierced anywhere, the bombs would go off and incinerate all of Ivy's precious green.

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