What happens now?

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Wayne Manor 02/03/2023 02:49

Following the massive battle with the Justice League Dark and the 2 month long absence of the real League, everyone decided that it was best if all the heroes returned to their homes to rest for the night before regrouping at the Watchtower. Given that he had no better place to be, Jake had gone back to Wayne Manor alongside Bruce, Dick and Tim. Once all of them were inside the Batcave, Bruce told Jake to tell the other two everything regarding the contingency measures kept in the cave.

Informing the pair what they were and the conditions that they were to be used under, Jake also explained why they were created in the first place. Dick understood, he was there when Superman, Wonder Woman and Aquaman went on a rampage against Metropolis. Tim on the other hand understood the reasoning behind it but also saw it as a massive breach of trust. Asking if there were any contingencies for members of the Team or himself, Jake broke the tough truth that the Team, although powerful, could easily be restrained by the Justice League if they ever went rogue. Nightwing also chimed in and told Tim that if it weren't for Jake or his safehouses, that the Young Justice Team would have been decimated when the villains first appeared. Sighing in humility, Tim asked what the next step was.

"On that note; Jake, you and I are gonna have a talk about your safehouses inside Okkert's and what we're gonna tell the League regarding how you managed to single-handedly stand up against a whole team of villains that are on par with the League itself. Tomorrow is going to be a long day full of reports and meetings. I suggest you go ask Alfred for some dinner before hitting the showers and going to sleep." Bruce answered, causing Tim to sigh again as he poured his freshly made coffee down the sink. When Grayson and Drake left, Jake sat down next to Wayne at the Batcomputer and brought up the schematics for Okkert's and what really was going on underneath them.

Bruce was actually pretty impressed with the scale at which these safehouses were being made and the reach it had around the world. This would definitely make it easier for them to travel around but what he did not like was the surveillance techniques employed to monitor the regions in which the facilities were built and how it purged any privacy the citizens had. Explaining it as a necessary evil and a means to track the League of Assassins along with any other criminal factions across the world, Batman yielded and told Overwatch that this could not see the light of day and that it had to be kept a secret, even from the League. Agreeing, the two focused on how they were going to explain Overwatch essentially beating the entire Justice League solo.

Knowing that they were going to have to disclose the contingency plans, Jake told Bruce that they were likely going to get kicked from the League or at best, their trust would forever by tarnished. Telling Bruce that he'll take the fall for this and claim that the contingency plans were all his idea and that Bruce had nothing to do with it. Batman tried to argue that Overwatch will get excommunicated from the League and Team, to which Jake answered; "Would you rather have it be both of us? Maybe even Nightwing and Robin as well."

Wayne could not argue against that, Tim still needed to learn how to work in a Team and Dick was in the perfect capacity to teach and positively influence the new generation of heroes. Giving Jake the greenlight and telling him that they were really going to have to sell it to the League that Bruce did not know about this, the two then went to the vault and incinerated all of the contingency measures except for the blueprints and Kryptonite. Sadly that also meant that Jake had to destroy his most powerful suit and the only thing that they knew could work against the League. Speaking of suits, Bruce complimented Jake's new versions of his armour, especially the flight pack and it's integration into Overwatch's fighting style.

Concluding their business, the pair left the Batcave and went upstairs to go rest. Tomorrow was going to be extremely tough for both of them but especially Jake since he was the one that was in charge of the Team and League members whilst the rest were away.

Overwatch returnsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora