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Mount Justice 23/1/2023 15:50hr

As the new trainees lined up in front of Overwatch, Jake could see most of him scan him up and down. For most of them, this would be the first time that they would meet the illusive Overwatch, leader of the Young Justice and the youngest member of the Justice League. All of the heroes they had met so far wore some simple and plain suits that had a few layers of kevlar or were just made from polyester. Now they were looking at a warrior with black armour plates across his entire body and a pair of glowing maroon goggles that sent fear into some of the younger recruits. In addition to this, this armoured hero also appeared to be carrying an entire arsenal of deadly weapons like a katana, pistol, knives and much more. Slowly walking along the line of heroes, Overwatch started listing off their new designations along with their hero names.

"Robin, bravo zero nine. Beast boy, bravo one zero. Wondergirl, bravo one one. Lagoon boy, bravo one two. These are your authorization codes, you will need them if you are traveling anywhere with the Zeta tubes but you will need to be accompanied by one of the current team members. Red Arrow, what were you just doing?"

"I'm glad you asked Overwatch, we were just doing some physical training. Specifically endurance, I wanted to see what it takes to break these recruits." Roy replied from behind the line of candidates, causing Wondergirl to look around. "DID I TELL YOU TO LOOK AROUND!?" Overwatch yelled, scaring all four of the trainees, he wanted to push them to their limits, physically, mentally but most of all, emotionally. Jake knew from personal experience that if a hero loses control of their emotions then they are danger to everyone in the field. 

"Leave her alone!" Beast Boy called out, igniting a little spark of rebellion within the recruits. Well except Robin who knew what was coming now. Telling the green boy to zip it, Overwatch received another shout, this time from Lagoon Boy; "Hey, pick on someone your own size."

"Alright, I'll make you four a deal. We can throw down right now, four-on-one. If you beat me, I will let you all skip the entire day and let you do whatever you want within the mountain. However, if I beat you, you will never again talk back to me or any of your instructors and I'll get R.A. to hammer you with another hour of physical training. Is that understood?"

"Let's do it." Lagoon Boy replied confidently while Robin just rubbed his temples with his gloved fingers. He knew how this one was going to play out. Walking over to the training simulator, Overwatch let his four opponents surround him and signalled Roy to start the simulation. As a small makeshift city block materialised around them, Overwatch gave the recruits one last chance to back out. In response, all he got was Lagoon Boy, Beast Boy and Wondergirl charging at him. Throwing down a smoke pellet and grappling to one of the buildings, Jake disappeared from view. "Neptune's beard! Where is he?"

"Right here." Overwatch answered calmly while pressing a button on his hologlove. Suddenly, Lagoon Boy fell to the ground and got dragged into a building by a grappling line attached to his legs. Wondergirl also got a surprise, getting encompassed by a rapid-setting foam that held her in place as she watched Beast Boy get electrocuted by a small taser disk on his shoulder. Calling out to Robin to help, Tim sighed and jumped down from his safe street light. Extending his bo-staff and taking a defensive stance, Robin prepared himself for the absolute ass-whooping he was about to receive.

Unsheathing his sword, Overwatch charged at the new boy wonder and dodged the staff by millimetres. Hitting Tim's hand with the back of the handle before knocking away the staff with his sword, Overwatch delivered a clean sweep to Drake's legs and quickly tied him up with a line. Seeing Lagoon Boy charging furiously out of the building, Overwatch picked up Tim and tossed him into the Atlantian. Out of nowhere, Overwatch was tackled by a tiger that was coloured in various forms of green. Quickly realizing that this was Beast Boy attacking him, Overwatch reached for a grenade filled with a strong sleeping agent.

Pulling the pin and stuffing the grenade in the hero's mouth, Overwatch rolled out from underneath the large green cat as Beast Boy struggled to get the paralyzing gas canister out of his mouth. When he finally got it out, it was already too late, woozily stumbling towards Overwatch before collapsing at his feet, Beast Boy transformed back into his normal state as he faded further back into unconsciousness. When Lagoon Boy charged at Overwatch for a third time, he took a quick look around to see a knocked-out Beast Boy, a tied-up Robin, and Wondergirl suffocating within the large foam prison. "What's it gonna be Lagan? Keep trying to fight me or save your teammate? Let me just make something perfectly clear, she's not in any real danger, even though she might think she is. So you can attack me and Red Arrow will just get her out, but if you do decide to do that, you're done. But if you decide to do the right thing and save her, I'll knock you flat on your ass and you will have failed this training session."

"Aghhh!!" Lagoon Boy yelled out before enlarging himself and rushing over to Wondergirl. Taking a massive swipe at the solidified foam, Lagoon Boy smashed open a big enough hole for Wondergirl to get some fresh air. Upon turning back to his instructor, Lagoon Boy was hit by two pins before feeling the thousands of volts course through his body as he shrunk back down and passed out. "Hey Roy, they're all out now. You can turn off the simulation."

Time Skip

Mount Justice 23/1/2023 19:40

Jake wasn't kidding when he promised to knock all four candidates on their asses. Cassie was the first to wake up and was furious. She wasn't just beaten by Overwatch, she got absolutely demolished before she could even throw a punch. Luckily for Tim, he wasn't knocked unconscious and was there to calm Wondergirl down significantly before she got to Overwatch.

Next up was Beast Boy, he took the defeat fairly well and admitted that he was wrong to just talk back to Overwatch and Red Arrow when all they wanted to do was prepare them for the real thing. After giving Beast Boy a pat on the back and directing him to the kitchen, Overwatch waited for Lagan to wake up.

Once the Atlantian finally groaned in pain, Jake knew that he had woken up. Taking a bucket of seawater and splashing it over the recruit, Lagoon Boy jumped to his feet, refreshed by the feeling of water on his Altantian skin. But when he realized it was just him and Overwatch, he sagged his shoulders in embarrassment and defeat before leaving the room to go to the kitchen. When Overwatch was sure that all the rookies were in the kitchen area, he entered the room and motioned for them to stay seated. "So, you tried to go up against one of your instructors and lost by miles. What do you have to say for yourselves?"

"Look we're sorry, it won't happen again." Wondergirl spoke softly from behind the island. This was clearly not answer Jake wanted to hear. "Listen, you all have great potential but you're untrained, with no discipline and worst of all, scared. You're scared of me, scared of everyone in this building because you feel that they are better than you. This is why we have this trainee programme in the first place, to help you integrate with the rest of the team and develop your talents in a safe space."

Signalling for the others to join him, Jake removed his mask and introduced the rookies to the different member of the team. He felt that they could be trusted enough with their identities and also saw this as a vital step in their training. "Now, I'm going to get some shut-eye along with the rest of these guys. You rookies are welcome to join us but first, you have that extra hour of P.T. with Red Arrow that you have to finish."

With multiple groans coming from the kitchen and a few grins from the team, the heroes went their seperate ways within the cave in preperation for the next day.

A/N: Hey guys, so I attached a list below to just clarify who is and who is not on the team. Enjoy!!

Current members:
Overwatch - 00
Nightwing - B01
Aqualad - B02
Kid Flash - B03
Superboy - B04
Miss Martain - B05
Red Arrow - B06
Artemis - B07
Zatana - B08

New recruits:
Robin - B09
Beast Boy - B10
Wondergirl - B11
Lagoon Boy - B12

Overwatch returnsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin