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Wayne Manor 24/1/2023 7:40

"C'mon Jake, we're gonna be late for school!" Dick called from downstairs. Gunning it down the steps leading to the door, Jake quickly fixed up his jacket before meeting Dick and Tim in the car outside as Alfred drove them to school. "What do you have first Dick?"

"I got physics first then maths. What about you?"

"I got a study period and the English, so I'll probably just work on some training program stuff before heading over to Mrs. Stone's. Speaking of which, how are you doing after yesterday, Tim?"

"Everything hurts man, and I'm pretty sure you caused me to pull most of my muscles on my left leg. Did you really have to go that hard on us just cause Garfield and Lagaan couldn't stay quiet?"

"First off, you'll be fine by recess. Second, they started it and they have to get through their heads that when we're out there, everyone has their place and responsibility. Take me and Dick for example, we have the most say about what happens on mission and we can easily just boss everyone around but our main responsibility is that everyone gets home at the end of the day."

"When Kaldur started as team leader, he almost got a prisoner killed in Panama before Jake stepped in and saved the gunman. After that incident, Kaldur was placed as third in command after Jake and me but because he learned from his mistakes, he has earned his spot back as leader of Bravo team." Dick chirped in as the car came to a halt in front of the school. Opening the Rolls Royce's door, Dick was the first to exit followed by Tim and lastly Jake. Hearing the bell ring across the school, the trio sped off to their first classes in hopes of not being late on their second day.

Time Skip

Gotham Academy 24/1/2023 13:00

After finishing English, Jake quickly skimmed through Computing, finishing the assigned work in about 10 minutes before focusing on something else on his watch. When the lunch bell finally rang, Jake quickly gathered his things before going to his locker in the hallway. Thanks to a generous donation made by a wealthy parent, all of the lockers now had a thumbprint scanner to make it easier for students to access. Similar thumbprints were located on all classroom doors and key access points across the school for additional security.

With a soft beep, Jake's locker opened to reveal his still relatively empty vacuum that still needed to be filled with all types of contraband. Opening his schoolbag, Jake reached in a grabbed a few energy drinks and protein bars before placing them on the top shelf for him to consume later on. He also took out a spare set of clothes and a portable phone charger. Now of course he wanted to be prepared at all times so he still had some of his Overwatch stuff with him. This was mainly just his utility belt that he kept in a secret compartment inside one of the walls along with a spare domino mask and gloves. He had also taken the liberty of slightly modifying his school uniform so that his blazer had a thin lining of the same kevlar that was in his suit. This would provide him with some much-needed protection should the need ever arise.

"Ow Rob! Why did you do that?"

"Because I wanted to you bub!"

"Stop, unless you want to get in trouble." Tim said timidly from down the hall, looking past his locker, Jake saw that Tim and two of his friends were getting picked on by a group of older boys. Recognizing them as the sporty guys from year 11, Jake closed his locker before walking over menacingly. Out of nowhere, an outstretched hand stopped him from progressing, looking to his left, Jake saw Dick shaking his head. "Don't waste your time with them, Tim knows that they don't mean what they say."

Looking back to the group, Jake watched as Rob pushed Tim back down while his cronies laughed at them and although it wasn't nearly as bad as when he was trained by Lantuu, it had the same feeling to it. "Please Rob, knock it off."

"Or what? You gonna cry to the teachers and ask them to give us detention? Pathetic, who would possibly want to help you little freak?" At this joke, everyone laughed at Tim's expense. Looking at Dick with a 'are you blind' face, Jake pushed past the raven-haired boy and approached the bully. "Hey, knock it off or pick on someone that can fight back. Or are you too big of a coward to have a fair fight?"

As the growing crowd heard this they all echoed "Oooooh's" and "Aaaah's", clearly irritating the bully. Getting in Jake's face, Jake could see that the bully was about the same height as him but not as big. "Fine, I'll leave him alone. I can't be bothered dealing with the orphan family anyways."

Jake could handle being insulted and made a mockery out of if it meant the results would be for the greater good. But insulting Bruce, Dick and Tim was something he could not tolerate. Though it may look like he was enraged (which he was), Jake was thankfully fully in control, throwing a clean punch at Rob's face before getting jumped by his buddies. As he was getting thrown around by the group of bullies, Dick also stepped in and began throwing punches.

It wasn't long before both boys were sent to the principal's office where they received detentions every day for the next month and a week-long suspension. The pair were informed that Mr Wayne would be coming in to pick them up and that they would be waiting at the front desk. "This is bullshit Dick, first Tim gets bullied and then they make us get the heat for it."

"I know, that's why I said that you should just leave it. The school has it out for the Wayne boys, and for good reason. On my first day, I tripped the school captain's girlfriend and he got me detention for 'public humiliation'." Dick replied with air quotes before continuing. "When Jason started here he punched a kid that called him a street rat and then later on he was caught with weed. Obviously, it wasn't his but the school didn't have the resources for a proper investigation and just gave him detentions for three weeks."

"What about Tim, surely he didn't have a detention on his first day."

"Prepare to have your mind blown, on his first day he embarrassed his teacher by pointing out that she was wrong and then backing up his argument with proof so strong that the entire class started laughing at her defeat."

Just as the two started laughing at the matter, Bruce busted through the doors, clearly mad at having received another call from the school regarding his kids' bad behaviour. Not even saying a word, the billionaire pointed to get into the car before escorting them out and getting into the car himself before speeding off. "Jake, what the hell?! A suspension on your second day along with a month of detentions, what were you thinking punching that kid? And Dick, you know how the school is, why didn't you stop him?"

Calmly telling their side of the story, Bruce calmed down quite significantly till Jake told him what Rob said regarding the whole 'orphan family' part of the conversation. Lighting up like napalm, Bruce swerved the car around and drove straight back to the school while saying a very long string of words that would make Deathstroke blush. Both Jake and Dick had to do their best convincing to prevent Bruce from burning down the principal's office. Finally calming down, Bruce turned back around and drove to the mansion whilst getting Alfred on the phone. If the bullies thought that Jake and Dick were bad, they had no idea the nightmare that Bruce and Agent A would cause via lawsuits and subtle inconveniences that would just never go away.

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