Surprise attack

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Gotham Academy 31/1/2023 12:00

It had been a week since the little exchange of words and fists in the hallway and so far nothing major had happened. Besides the girls swooning over both Jake and Dick, no one was really bothered by the whole ordeal. Dick obviously loved the attention, but Jake on the other hand kind of just swept it off. He was going to be out of here within only a few months before he fully committed to Overwatch, so there was no real reason for friends or girlfriends for that matter. On a brighter note, after seeing what happens when you mess with the Waynes, Robert and his cronies decided to leave Tim and his friends alone for the time being.

Asking the teacher to be excused to go to the bathroom, Jake slipped into a cubicle to check on how the team was doing. His new watch could access all the trackers placed on the members of the League along with any other important people like Alfred, John Diggle etc. Seeing that Connor was at Happy Harbour High School along with Megan, Cassie and Zatana, Jake scrolled across the map to see if Wally was also still in school.

"Oh Allen, you are so predictable." Jake muttered under his breath, seeing that KF was zooming towards his favourite ice cream shop after probably making an excuse similar to Jake. The others were in locations that were fairly normal, Kaldur and Lagaan were in Atlantis and Roy was at Verdant.

Suddenly a notification from Bruce popped up on Jake's watch, quickly opening the message before reading the text. Upon discovering what it entailed, Jake exploded out of the cubicle and darted to his locker before sending it up the stairs to the roof. In seconds the young hero was on top of the roof with his grappler in hand and domino mask across his eyes.

Leaping off the roof and grappling to the city skyline, Jake made his way to the nearest Okkert's to suit up for the mission he just received. Apparently one of Superman's old enemies was back from space and with a vengeance against the entire Justice League. Currently Superman, Hal Jordan, Green Arrow and Captain Marvel were fighting him in Metropolis but were severely outgunned by the villain's cybernetically enhanced forces.

After reaching the secret cache of gear, Jake quickly suited up and ran into the Zeta Tube, getting teleported to Metropolis. Seconds later Overwatch arrived at the Hall of Justice to see Lantern get thrown through the roof of the building and crash in front of Overwatch. "Lantern, report."

"It's not good Overwatch, Brainiac's ship is raining hell on us, and his army is putting civilians in danger. Not to mention that he just wiped the floor with me."

"Aww, did the little alien hurt your ego? Get the hell up man, you're a lantern for god's sake." Jake ruffled Jordan's hair before grappling out of the gaping hole in the ceiling. Looking around, Jake could see the small trails of smoke being emitted from the buildings across the city. Patching himself into the comm, Overwatch took tactical command of the scenario seeing that everyone was too pre-occupied to see the big picture. Before giving out directions more heroes arrived to assist, these included; Wonder Woman, Dr. Fate and Flash. Bruce was still about 5 minutes out in the Batjet and would take command when he arrived but for now, Jake was in charge.

"Alright guys listen up, we need to take out Brainiac's big gun first before we can start focusing on him. Fate, Lantern, Marvel, you guys are on demo duty. I want you to hurt that ship plenty till Bats arrive and help you finish it off. Wonder Woman, Flash, Arrow, you will help me take of the civilians. Big blue, you know what to do."

"I think I can piece it together." Clark replied over the comm before Jake heard a sonic boom sound through the air, causing Overwatch to chuckle slightly before he glided over to the nearest group of civilians. Landing behind three humanoid creatures that had metallic limbs and radiated with a strange purple energy, Jake pulled out his pistol and fired three lethal rounds at the cybernetics. When the parabellums just bounced off, Jake decided that he had to resort to more extreme measures.

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