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Northern Siberia 13/1/2023 17:27hrs

After finally taking out the last stronghold of the Light's robotic forces, the Team was having a well-earned leave of absence. Well, most of them at least. Overwatch, Nightwing and Superboy had the amazingly fun assignment of delivering the intact and deactivated cybernetics to the Justice League's high-security storage facility.

Arrival Overwatch 00, Nightwing B01, Superboy B04

As the three heroes stepped out of the Zeta platform, they observed the work that was cut out for them. A large pile of hardware sprawled out in front of them that all had to be organised, packed away and accounted for. Getting to work, Jake started separating the stuff into different piles along with Conner while Dick started counting inventory. It wasn't long before the original heap of war-fighting materials was separated into four different smaller piles.

The first one contained all the ammunition that had not been fired, the second pile consisted of stripped weapons like machine guns and flamethrowers. The next pile was stacked with great care seeing as they were the batteries and fuel sources for the mechs. Lastly was a neat pile of deactivated robots that had been rendered harmless.

While Conner moved the deceased bodies to their allocated storage bay, Jake and Dick started packing away a set of machine guns in a large forest green case that was lined with foam to avoid damaging the weapons. After the initial battle, the majority of weapons were dismantled and melted but Jake proposed to the League that any further weapons seized should be stored in case the League ever needed some extra firepower.

A loud crash echoed through the deep underground facility followed by a shout of frustration from Conner. Rushing over to the Kryptonian clone, the pair saw Conner pinned down by a not-so-deactivated mech that had a strange red glow surrounding it. Pulling out his bow and firing an explosive arrow at the robot, Overwatch rendered it useless within a matter of seconds. "Conner, what happened here?"

"I was carrying this one down the hall when I accidentally bumped something and this thing started attacking me!" The clone stated in a rather annoyed tone. Agreeing that they should probably find the source of the red glow, the trio split up to go look for the mystery item. It wasn't long before Dick called out that he might have found it, once the three regrouped and analysed the piece of tech, they found realised that it was a mother box, most famously used by Intergang and supplied by the mysterious Apocalypse.

Pulling up the file on the object, Jake read that it had been used by Toyman and had the ability to reactivate electronic components as if by magic. Though they could never figure out its origins or its true purpose, the Justice League just threw it away in the endless isles of their Siberian bunker. Deeming the item fit for re-evaluation, Jake carried the item over to the Zeta platform. "You two finish up here, after that you can come help me figure this thing out if you'd like."

"Sorry Jake, I gotta go help Megan and Roy with the new recruits." Dick replied disappointingly, Conner gave a similar reply, saying that he has dinner with the Kent family after this. Saying their farewells, Overwatch left them to their task as he left through the Zeta tube.

"Departing Overwatch 00"

Watchtower 15/1/2023 12:00hr

It had been almost two days since Jake had gone up to the Watchtower and no one had seen him since. After he had arrived, he said a quick hello to Wonder Woman and Martain Manhunter but then proceeded to lock himself in the workshop. Batman wasn't worried about it but that didn't mean he wasn't curious as to what Jake was doing. Walking up to the workshop door, Bruce knocked but received no reply. Knocking again, he heard a loud thud and Jake yelling out in response.

"SHIT! You naughty little bastard!" This was soon followed by what sounded like two gunshots. Deciding he's heard enough, Bruce decided to just back away from the door. Turning around to see Flash walking to the workshop, Batman gave him a little piece of advice. "I wouldn't go in there if I were you Barry."

Nodding in silent acknowledgement, Allen walked in the other direction, clearly not wanting to disturb the young hero. Meanwhile in the workshop, Jake was aggressively rubbing his chest after being tased by the device that was now hooked up to various pieces of machinery and scanners. After learning that the object was almost indestructible and acted like a battery/supercomputer, Jake tried to understand how the tech works.

From what he gathered, if you charged it up, it can send out a blast of energy that activates any electronics and restores them to their base functions. He had tried it on different types of electronics and was honestly amazed at how advanced this thing was. Having no problem with simple household appliances and easily restoring a laptop.

A sudden knock on the door pried Jake from his studies, getting up from his worn-out chair, Jake opened the door to see both Batman and Nightwing waiting for him. "Let's go, we're late for lunch."

Mentally facepalming himself for forgetting, Jake rushed back into the shop to drop off his tools and quickly put on his suit. Running after Bruce and Dick, the trio soon met up at the Zeta platform before leaving for the Batcave.

Wayne Manor 15/1/2023 13:14hr

"Arrival Overwatch 00, Batman 02, Nightwing B01"

In his secluded workshop, Jake had completely forgotten about the Wayne family lunch that was happening today. It was the last day before the boys would return to school and both Bruce and Alfred wanted to have a family lunch with them to regroup, prepare and plan for the next few weeks ahead.

Following a dash out of the Zeta tube, getting changed to civvies in a blitz and sprinting up the stairs, the trio was out in the garden and walking to the lunch table next to the waterfall that they had built last year. Spotting the new Robin, Jake called out to get his attention; "Hey Tim, whatcha doing over there?"

"Finishing off the last bit of trigonometry homework that I had for the holidays." Drake announced with a smile, the kid was an absolute genius, only being 13 and doing stuff that was at least two years ahead of him. When he was enrolled in Gotham Academy, it only took the staff a few days to realise how gifted Tim really was, putting him in Year 9 instead of Year 7 where other kids his age were.

"So Jake, how's it going with the business?" Bruce asked Jake, following the massive destruction all across the world in the wake of the Light's attack, Jake had started his own foundation called Okkert's Shelter. Naming the business after his father in memory of his parents' actions during the battle that started it all, the foundation was a simple and straightforward design.

Okkert's Shelter worked by establishing buildings where people could get food, water, shelter and safety for a very low cost. The price was only a mere $200 per person for a whole year, the rest of the funds were covered by Wayne Tech and Queen Consolidated. Though he was going to make it free initially, Jake wanted people to work for it rather than just come and expect to be given a free handout.

"Okkert's is going great, cities from around the world have opened up spaces for us to move in. Anything from small hotels to large warehouses, everyone wants to see this idea succeed." Bruce was happy with the amazing progress Jake had made with the business and how fast it was growing. Unfortunately, he had to be the bearer of bad news in this case, seeing as Jake was turning 18 this year and still didn't have a high school certificate of education, he would have to go back to school for these last couple of months.

"Listen Jake, there's something I need to tell you."

"Yeah Bruce, wassup?" Jake replied whilst chomping down on some food. "Umm, I need you to attend school for the rest of the year?"


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