Justice League Dark

52 1 0

Metropolis 18/02/2023 06:23 hrs

Looking over to his side, Jake watched as Zatanna peacefully cuddled up against him, using his right bicep as a pillow. Her bare leg raised up over him, making it impossible to move without waking her. So, Jake did what any reasonable guy would, he lay there like a statue, not moving an inch and trying to breath as gently as possible so that he wouldn't wake the girl next to him. Disturbing the peace, Jake's watch started buzzing against his skin as a call came in from Nightwing.

Putting in an earpiece, Jake answered the call to the sound of explosions and loud bangs in the background. "Overwatch, Arrow and I are being engaged by the League and need backup immediately!" Shooting up from his calm form, Jake was already putting on a fresh Kevlar bodysuit and his armour plates, finishing before Zatanna could even look to see what was going on.

"Hey, I gotta go, Dick and Roy need me. Thanks for last night, I loved it." Jake said with a quick smile before putting on his mask and darting out of the room with the large case in hand. Almost kicking down the door to the armoury, Jake grabbed the dart gauntlet along with some extra darts before shoving it into the case. He didn't get a chance to grab all of his stuff from his room so Jake just quickly stocked his usual supply of weapons and gadgets from the armoury along with a pair of P90 submachine guns that he kept around just in case. Throwing the dual SMGs over his shoulder and picking up the case, Jake ran to the elevator to go to the bioship. 'Gently' putting down the case at the foot of the invisible ship along with the sub-machine guns, Jake ran back inside to go get his team for the rescue mission.

"Conner, get up. We got a mission, get dressed and meet at the bioship."

"Megan, c'mon, Dick and Roy need our help. We need to leave now via the bioship."

Jake had silently gone into both the boys' and girls' rooms to wake up two of the members of his team and they got out without issue or complaint. The speedster on the other hand, didn't exactly need the silent approach. Banging on the door and opening it to reveal both Artemis and Wally jumping up to see what was going on. "Wally, suit up, we got a mission. Artemis, you're in charge till we get back, don't tell the others about the mission cause they'll probably freak out."

Leaving the two PJ dressed superheroes behind in the room, Jake went back up to the bioship where Conner and Megan were anxiously waiting for the other half of the team. Just as he sat down in the front seat next to Megan, a yellow blur sped into the cockpit and strapped himself in. "Alright, all I know is that both Nightwing and Red Arrow went on a recon mission that has gone south. They are being engaged by at least one Justice League member."

"Is this the actual Justice League we're going up against?" Ms Martian fearfully asked, if they were it meant that she would have to fight her uncle. No one could be asked to fight against the heroes that raised them and taught them most of what they knew. "From what intel I've gathered, they are not. Instead, they are a bunch of villains that have matching power sets, meaning that so far we could essentially be fighting Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, Green Arrow, Green Lantern or Flash."

Telling Megan to gun the throttle, the bioship blasted off to Washington DC. Arriving there only a few minutes later, Jake told Megan to do a flyby of the Hall of Justice where the battle was taking place. Looking down, the rescue team could see the black haired girl who resembled Wonder Woman charging at Red Arrow who barely managed to stop her with a foam arrow, slowing her down long enough for him to move to a different position. Nightwing was busy fighting Prometheus, and he was losing badly.

Giving the team their orders, Megan opened up the bioship while Wally would run out to grab Nightwing. Superboy would go after Adrian Chase while Jake dealt with the Wonder Woman doppelganger. "Alright team, let's do this."

Overwatch returnsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora