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Fortress of Solitude 20/02/2023 16:30

"Ughhh, where am I?" The Wonder Woman doppelganger asked hazily, still waking up from the psychically induced coma Megan put her in. But to her surprise, she wasn't in some dark interrogation room or restrained to a chair. Instead, she was just in a bright room made up from white and ice blue crystals with a large steel door being her only exit. Attempting to break through the wall, the girl found out that the stuff was protected by some type of energy shield. Hearing a hiss behind her, she spun around and pounced on the intruder but was quickly punched back into the wall by Superboy who was followed in by Overwatch.

"First question; what is your name? And I swear to God if you say Diana Prince I will leave the room and get the Martian to come mess with your mind." Overwatch asked bluntly, he was in no mood for games or complicated answers. So he went with the tried and tested method of simple questions equals simple answers. "My name is Donna Troy."

"Well nice to meet you Donna. You seem to have a lot in common with Wonder Woman, similar facial features, body type, powers, fighting style etcetera. Can you tell me why that is?"

"Go fuck yourself." Donna answered harshly, resulting in Overwatch simply just turning around and walking to the door. Hesitating for a moment, Troy really did not want to fight the Martian girl again. Her experience with telepaths was rough to put it gently. "Fine, I'll tell you. Just keep the telepath away from me."

"Deal. Superboy, would you mind stepping out and getting us something to drink. I got a feeling we're gonna be here a while." Overwatch gladly replied, to which Donna Troy gave out a sigh of reluctance as she started explaining her origin, or at least parts of it. Turns out she was made by Ares, the God of War, with the sole purpose of killing Wonder Woman and destroying Themyscira. But Queen Hippolyta and Wonder Woman successfully stopped her and she was restrained to the island.

"I was moulded like clay by the God of War to match his niece. So I'm basically her cousin for lack of better explanation. " Donna explained, but Overwatch couldn't help notice how she was considerably younger than the Amazonian princess. "Hey Donna, if you don't mind me asking; how old are you?"

"Twenty." She replied shyly, Overwatch could tell she was still somewhat of a kid at heart. But he figured that due to her rough upbringing at the hands of Ares, she was probably robbed of any type of childhood. He had one last question and then he was going to try something. "Donna, how did this new Justice League Dark form? What is their endgame?"

"After Brainiac attacked, we all got teleported up onto his ship. Among the group was myself, the Arkham Knight, Prometheus, Black Adam, Sinestro and Reverse Flash. We all got teleported from across the globe, regardless of where we were, that's how I escaped my prison on Themyscira."

"Wait, you mentioned everybody except Superman..."

"That monster is not Superman. He is an abomination Brainiac created using the body of some astronaut that was left for dead and the DNA from Superman. But there wasn't enough of him to go around, so Brainiac did what he always did, cybernetic parts and 'enhancements'" That explained why the Kryptonite and Red Sun light didn't affect him as much. Deducing that if his weaknesses weren't as great as Superman's, that meant his powers weren't as strong either.

"Hey Donna, why do you do it? Fight alongside them?" Overwatch asked gently, he hoped that she was just misguided and forced into a bad situation. All he got for an answer was silence and her eyes glued to the floor. As a single tear fell down her cheek and dropped to the floor, Overwatch slowly approached the girl in front of him as he wiped the tear away.

Telling her that she's safe with the team, Overwatch opened the door and walked out after telling her that he'll be back. Walking into the adjacent room to confer with the remaining members of the team, he got mixed opinions. Megan, Dick, Wally and Tim were saying that they should give Donna a chance to redeem herself. On the other hand; Conner, Zatanna, Cassie, and Artemis were saying that she should be kept in lock-up until this whole thing is over. With the vote split exactly down the middle, the final decision came down to Jake. 

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