Black vs Yellow

31 1 0

San Francisco 01/03/2023 19:45

As Jake entered San Fran. airspace, he ejected himself from the cockpit and put himself into a freefall down to the surface. Moments before impact, Jake was snatched up by the flight pack and directed himself to the outskirts of the enemy defence line. Taking out a flare gun he grabbed back at the Batcave, Overwatch fired the red ball of phosphorus into the air, signalling that he was there.

Suddenly, a yellow light appeared above the old bunker and started getting closer. Taking out the M110 and aiming it straight at the light, Jake confirmed it was Sinestro before launching up into the air and caused the Yellow Lantern to commit to a hot pursuit through the city. As Overwatch bobbed and weaved through the tall skyscrapers, he soon noticed that a second yellow streak was following him, but on the ground this time. "Well hello Eobard, how is it being the 2nd fastest man alive?"

In a psycotic cry of rage, Reverse Flash blitzed up the side of the building and tackled Overwatch out of the air, sending both of them flying through an office window. As the late night workers stared in shock at what just happened, Jake immediately started firing rounds at the broken window as Sinestro soon entered the building as well. "Oh c'mon Overwatch, just come in quietly or we're gonna have to make a scene."

"Over my dead body."

"That's the spirit." Thawne answered with a grin, followed by Sinestro producing a large claw and blasting it at Overwatch. Jake however was prepared for this and easily picked apart the construct. Deciding not to put innocents in danger, Jake fired his thrusters and exited through the other side of the building. Soon followed by the yellow villains, Overwatch led them to a construction site where he could really do whatever he wanted without risk to civilians.

As a large battle-axe came crashing down into the dirt, Jake jettisoned the flight pack and directed it to make a long loop before re-engaging and providing eyes from up top. Rolling through the dirt, Jake emptied his magazine at Sinestro before smoothly reloading and putting the large rifle on his back in the spot left open by the flight pack's absence. Transitioning to his pistol and a replica freeze gun used by Captain Cold, Overwatch saw how half a dozen steel rods were flying at him after being throwing at extreme speeds by Thawne. Performing a series of complex acrobatic manoeuvres that Dick taught him, Jake dodged the oncoming attack but was soon surrounded by a large column of dust and dirt as the Reverse Flash ran around him and created a small tornado. Inside Jake was fine, but if he stepped into the dust wall, he would be swept away.

Lifting up the freeze gun, Jake fired a series of short bursts to no avail. Opting for a more interesting method, Jake fired the weapon once more, this time at the ground, coating the surface in a slippery ice sheet. And just as expected, Thawne soon ran across the ice and slid uncontrollably into a large pile of unmixed concrete bags, resulting in the mini tornado soon dissipating.

But Sinestro wasn't done yet, firing multiple blast of yellow energy at Overwatch. Running away from the onslaught of deadly lasers, Jake contacted Alfred and asked him to take control of the flight pack and provide a Close Air Support run. The ex-RAF pilot gladly obliged and soon enough 5.56 tracer rounds lit up the night sky as the drone made a pass. Sinestro didn't think much about it, but soon realized his mistake when two 40mm missiles collided with him mid-air.

Regaining a bit of room, Overwatch hastily made his way to the main construction area of the site. Apparently they were building a new tunnel that would go underneath the Golden Gate to relieve traffic congestion. Well, traffic was going to have to wait. Quickly planting a series of explosive gel markings across the top of the tunnel and taking out the freeze gun once more, Overwatch waited for his two opponents to come after him.

First up was Thawne, and by this time he really should have known better, but he was cocky and angry, not a good combination. Shooting the freeze gun all across the tunnel and coating every surface in the slippery ice, Eobard slipped once again and fell directly in front of Overwatch's boot. Blasting Thawne with the freeze gun, Overwatch quickly took out the power dampener and cuffed the Reverse Flash before knocking him out.

Next came Sinestro and he wasn't happy with the drone strike. Firing a massive laser at Jake, Overwatch barely got out of the way, but with a twist of his wrist, Sinestro changed the angle of the laser, cutting across Jake's arm and scathing a large cut across the Kevlar. With his arm in agony, Jake held on to the detonator before clacking off the explosives that were above the Yellow Lantern, bringing the entire roof above him down. But it didn't take the Lantern long to dig his way out, but by that time Jake had patched himself up and could feel the burn wound start to heal.

Producing his two short blades, Overwatch challenged the pink skinned alien to a duel. Something that Sinestro felt strangely obligated to accept. Creating a sabre in each hand using his ring, Sinestro charged at Overwatch, but the hero was a absolute beast with a blade. Blocking every strike Sinestro put out and retaliating with a fury that Sinestro thought only came from Red Lanterns. Constantly needing to switch between his sabres, shields and pikes, Sinestro kept up fairly well due to his adaptability. But in all his years of fighting and honing his craft, Sinestro had never come across a duellist as skilled as Overwatch. As the two locked blades, Sinestro asked; "Who trained you boy?"

"Batman, Green Arrow, Ra's Al Ghul, Talia Al Ghul, Nissa Al Ghul, Lantuu, Deathstroke, take your pick. Each of them were the best in their profession, till I came along and beat them at their own game." Overwatch replied smoothly before breaking the lock and throwing a smoke pellet to the ground, disappearing from the Lantern's view. "And now you're in my kingdom; a dark, damp and scary place. So tell me Sinestro, are you scared?"

"I am the pinnacle of fear you whelp, I shall show you what TRUE fear is!" Sinestro cried out, Overwatch had gotten into his head, even if he refused to admit it to himself. The truth was that Jake was definitely not better in the specific skills that his teachers were, but Sinestro didn't need to know that. Instead, he was starting to feel the same way his victims felt when they saw him. "Show yourself!"

In a split second, Overwatch appeared on his right but then disappeared again. In reality, Jake had tossed a series of hologram batarangs and was busy distracting Sinestro while he rigged the entire tunnel to blow with some gas canisters he found by the welding station. Opening the canisters and letting the gas slowly starting filling the room, Overwatch's trap was set. Reappearing behind his opponent, Jake simply tapped Sinestro on the shoulder before delivering a brutal right hook to his face. Grappling up a maintenance shaft, Overwatch looked as Sinestro got back on his feet and tried to fire a laser up to get him. But the superheated nature of the blast ignited the gas and soon a massive fireball was chasing Overwatch up the shaft.

Convinced that Sinestro was dead, or at least out of the fight, Jake looked around for the next JLD member that wanted a piece of him. So far four out of the seven were removed from the board, that being the Arkham Knight, Donna Troy, Reverse Flash and now Sinestro. But that still left Prometheus, Black Adam and worst of all, Superman. Speaking of which, Jake could hear the sonic boom as his next opponent arrived, and it wasn't the archer.

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