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Metropolis 17/02/2023 17:38 hrs

Ever since the whole Light robotic invasion incident, Luthor was almost immediately thrown in prison before he managed to get some of the best lawyers in the country to talk the Supreme Court judge into a plea deal where he was placed under house-arrest. Naturally that came with the standard gizmos like the ankle tracker or "crude leash" like Lex called it. He was also not permitted to go outside of his 2-floor penthouse located on top of one of the apartment buildings he owns.

"Mr. Luthor, mind if I come in?" Overwatch asked politely while sitting on the glass and steel railing. After giving a snarky remark and trying manoeuvre around Jake by asking him why he's sitting outside his apartment, Overwatch snapped back. "Cut the shit Lex, you know why I'm here, so are you going to help us or not?"


"Yeah, us. I'm just here to make sure you don't try to play any tricks. Plus, I've been meaning to come pay you a visit recently." Superboy spoke from on top of the roof as he cracked his knuckles. Admitting that he knew that the Justice League were dead or at least MIA and that the new apparent characters in play were definitely not here for the good of mankind, Lex motioned for them to come inside.

Explaining to Luthor that he needed an exoskeleton that would amplify his strength while also providing some extra protection, Lex asked why Overwatch would possibly need this. "After all, didn't Ra's inject you with some super serum that already gave you enhanced strength?"

"Don't say his name, he's dead to me and I would prefer not to be reminded of the contrary." Overwatch spoke, the anger seeping through the voice modulator like water through a strainer. Quickly calming down, Overwatch told Lex that he was going to do what Luthor never could, take out the Justice League. Curious to see how this would all play out, the bald billionaire picked up an encrypted phone before making a short call to his secretary. "I got a prototype over in Boston that should do the trick, you'll just need to put the armour and weapons on it. But it should be more than enough for augmenting your strength."

Thanking Luthor and calling over Superboy from the rooftop, the two heroes leapt down from the balcony. Telling Superboy to go back to Okkert's while he finished up this supply run, the Kryptonian clone leapt back in the direction of the warehouse while Jake made his way up one of the nearby buildings where Alfred had remote piloted the Batjet to come pick him up.

A/N: The Batjet is the one from Arkham City while the Batwing is the one from Teen Titans vs the Justice League.

Hopping into the jet, Jake gunned the throttle up north to the Lexcorp R&D facility in Boston. While in transit, he contacted Dr. Harrison Wells from S.T.A.R. Labs and asked if he had any super durable alloys that could be used for an armour along with any possible weapons. Although not keen to disclose any weapons projects that S.T.A.R. Labs was producing, Wells told Overwatch that there might be something that could work.

Telling him that he'll be there in a few hours, Overwatch ended the call before beginning his descent into Boston. Benefit of flying at supersonic speeds, getting from Metropolis to Boston took only a few minutes compared to a few hours driving. Engaging the vertical thrusters, Jake gently put the Batjet down just in front of the R&D facility where a team of security personnel was already waiting for him.

Equipped with plate carriers and assault rifles, these guys looked more like military special forces than security guards. Walking up to the team leader, Overwatch introduced himself by shaking the man's hand whilst subtly placing an electric charge beneath his sleeve. He would do the same with all other members of the team as they entered the warehouse. Jake did not trust Luthor and by extension, these guys.

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