25. Theo

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I sucked in a breath and stared at my parent's house. "Hey, I'm sure it'll be fine." Yn assured me and wrapped her arm around mine. "I'm not good enough for him." I repeated what I've known for years.

"Baby... you are flawless, to me. If he doesn't think you're good enough, then he is absolutely blind because anyone could see how perfect you are." Yn told me, but there was still a nervous pit in my stomach. "Better get it over with..." I mumbled to myself and turned off the car. I shut my eyes and prepared myself one last time, though it would never feel like enough.

"Come on, it's okay." Yn spoke softly and we got out of the car. I know she was terrified of what my parents would think of her, but she was trying to help me feel better. That made me love her even more, the way she cared was so unconditionally beautiful.

"They're gonna love you." I stated and kissed her on the head as we walked up to the two story big light green house. It was kind of old but it was always well kept so it didn't matter how old it was.

I rang the doorbell and pulled my girlfriend closer to me, after a couple of seconds the door opened with a creak. My father stood in front of us, staring at me with a disapproving look. "Theo. Do they not offer haircuts at you're little school?"

I sighed, "Dad. This is my girlfriend, Yn." I introduced them, Yn offered a nervous smile and shook his hand. My father stuck his hands in his pockets and clenched his jaw.

"Well, that's surprising. Didn't think anyone would want you," He laughed and patted my shoulder, I chuckled a bit but I was so tired of all the things he said.

I looked at Yn, she was staring up at me worriedly, I could tell she felt bad for me. The silence was awkward and hurtful, I was very thankful that my mother swooped in with an apron and gave me a hug, "Theo, you've gotten too tall." She playfully scolded me and put her hands on her hips and turned to Yn.

I smiled proudly and wrapped my arm around Yn's waist, "Well, who's this pretty girl you've been keeping from us?"

"This is my girlfriend, Yn." My heart swelled at the fact that I got to call her that. "Oh sweetheart! Is this the girl you've told us about?" Mom immediately gave Yn a tight motherly hug, which it seemed that Yn was in desperate need of.

"Well come in! I've made a beef roast and cherry pie." Mom shooed us inside. I hung up Yn and I's jackets and pulled out her chair.

We all sat down except dad, I didn't know where he was. "Phil, Dinners gonna get cold." Mom shouted for dad.
"Goddamn, woman, I'm coming." He huffed and sat down.

I cringed at how he talked to my mother, I never wanted to treat Yn like that. Mom's spirits were never crushed, I'm glad because any normal person would've been dead inside by now. But at the same time it hurt, because I knew my mother didn't deserve that treatment. She was a wholesome woman who honestly meant the best.

"Oh it seems I've forgotten the drinks, Yn why don't you come with me to the wine cellar? I might need the help of another woman to choose, lord knows the men don't have any taste." Mom suggested, Yn smiled and got up from her chair and they were off. Leaving me and my father alone at the table.

Yn's pov:

I was very nervous, I was hoping she honestly just needed help with the wine picking and not to tell me anything like, "Oh yeah, my son is a mass murderer, but he's great once you get to know him!"

I followed her down the steps of the basement and we entered a room full of different colored wines. I didn't know much about wine but I knew rosé was good.

"Thank you for having me," I said quietly and crossed my arms behind my back. "It's no problem sweetheart, I can tell already that you'll be a great addition to the family. Elanora moved out quite a while ago. The house is all quiet now without my children. Ellie will be here for dessert though," she paused for a moment and looked at me.

I Love Her. / Theodore Nott X YnWhere stories live. Discover now