21. Theo

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I bounced Anastasia on my knee and smiled at her little giggles as Yn made funny faces at her. The baby on my lap picked up an empty bottle and threw it at Yn's head. I laughed with her as Yn pretended to fall over, Anastasia screamed with joy and grabbed my fingers and turned herself around, with my help. She grabbed onto my collar with a huge grin on her face and stomped on my lap.

I chuckled and poked her in the stomach, she screamed and fell over but she kept on giggling.

(This is kind of what Anastasia looks like)

(This is kind of what Anastasia looks like)

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"I wanna go outside." Yn stated and layed flat on the floor. "Okay- maybe we could take Anastasia on a walk." I suggested. "Oooh can I dress her up?" Yn clapped her hands excitedly. I smiled and shook my head, "Yes, you can dress her up."

"Wait but we don't have a stroller," she pointed out. Anastasia bounced up and down on my legs with her hands on my cheeks, "Well I guess our walk will be to the store then, it's just a few blocks from here." I said, but my words were muffled because Anastasia thought it was hilarious to cover my mouth in between every word.

I tickled her in the stomach and she squeeled. She started drumming on my head for a while, until she suddenly stopped.

Anastasia was just staring at me for a while, I raised an eyebrow just before she opened her mouth and bit my nose. My jaw dropped and I pulled her away from me, Yn laughed so hard there were tears in her eyes.

It didn't hurt because she barely had any teeth but it just shocked me. "You should've seen your face!" Yn said in between laughs. I grinned and shook my head, "Wow." Was all I said.

I chuckled and stood up, I handed Anastasia to Yn, who was still laughing a bit. "Shut up," I ordered, but I wasn't angry, I was still grinning like crazy. I wiped my nose and ran my fingers through my hair.

I picked up my keys and held my hand out for Yn to catch up as I walked. She grabbed my hand and interlaced her fingers with mine and beamed up at me, i could stare at her smile all day. Anastasia was just having fun playing with the pendant on Yn's necklace.

We got in the car, Yn sat in the back with Anastasia because we didn't have a car seat for her yet. I adjusted my mirror so I could see them both and made eye contact with Yn, I winked at her. She smiled and shook her head, "You're so cheesy."

"You know you love me." I teased and started driving. "Maybe," She taunted and winked back, "Just a little." She finished. "I can work with a little." I said with a grin.

I parked in an empty slot and pulled out the keys, then I unstrapped and went around the car to get Anastasia from Yn, "I just love to hold her," I commented and bounced her up and down. "I know you do." Yn remarked and smiled admiringly at us. Anastasia was sure enjoying the attention.

We started walking into the store, it was a bit drizzly outside so we kind of rushed.

As we entered the store, I noticed it was a bit busy, so I put my hand on the small of Yn's back, just to make sure I wouldn't lose her. She blushed up at me and we headed toward the baby supply section.

I Love Her. / Theodore Nott X YnWhere stories live. Discover now