24. Yn

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When we arrived at the park, I unstrapped and opened my door and Anastasia's and started unstrapping her car seat. She was very interested in the stuffed tiny koala attached to her car seat and she wasn't the happiest when I pulled her out, but she calmed down when she got distracted by the ducks in the pond next to park.

Ana pointed and looked at me to see if I was looking and looked back at the ducks. She giggled and babbled gibberish, I had no idea what she was saying but it was adorable. I grinned and adjusted her shirt so her big baby belly wouldn't be shown to the slightly chilly air.

Theo locked the car and walked over to us, he stuck his hands in his pockets and looked to where Anastasia was staring, anytime a duck would move, she through her head back and let out a belly laugh. I chuckled and bounced her slightly, "You wanna go swing?" I spoke in a baby voice to her.

Ana didn't answer me but she was still smiling, and there was a swing set somewhat next to the pond so I decided to start walking toward it. "We should've brought something to feed the ducks, Anastasia would love it." Theo stated and stared at the pond.

I nodded, "I saw a Fruity Pebbles cereal bar underneath the backseat of your car,"
"Really? I didn't know I had any of those left." He responded and thought for a moment, "I'm not sharing that with the ducks."

I laughed, "Someone's possessive." I teased and jokingly bumped into him. "Over some things more than others." Theo winked at me and pulled me closer to him by my waist as we walked.

"Jeez, why would you be more possessive over a cereal bar than me?!" I glared at him. He threw his head back and laughed, "You know I meant you."

I shook my head and smiled. Anastasia was still very interested in the birds around the pond, she was so happy to see any of them fly.

"Here, you hold her on the swing. I wanna take pictures." I grinned at Theo and handed Ana to him. He gently took her and sat down on one of the swings cause there were no baby swings and had Ana on his lap.

I couldn't wipe the smile on my face, it was the cutest thing I had ever seen. Theo gently swung back and forth, "Is she smiling?" He asked and tried to see her face but he couldn't lean over too much.

I giggled, "She's smiling so big, she's so cute." I took a picture and then sat down in the swing next to them. Ana waved her arms and giggled as she pointed at the animals in the pond. "It's a duck, say duck." I taught her, she glanced at me and looked back at the pond.

"Duh" was as close as she got to 'duck'. I chuckled and leaned my head on the chain of swing while I swayed it back and forth just barely to keep in pace with Theo and Ana.

"We're gonna have to give her back tomorrow." Theo blurted out, staring at the pond. "Yeah. I'll have to contact my dad and ask him where to meet her mom." I replied and put my hand out. Anastasia grabbed onto my finger, all her tiny fingers were wrapped around my one finger. She giggled and pointed at the pond again.

"I should do that now, actually." I told myself and tapped the messaging app. I was typing with one hand which was a bit hard but I didn't want to pull away from Ana.

Where do I drop Anastasia off.

I didn't say anything other than that, I wanted to say so much more, but I knew it wouldn't do anything to help my situation.

"When am I gonna meet your parents?" I asked and looked at Theodore. He looked back at me and smiled, "Hopefully soon, my mom and sister are gonna love you."
I smiled back but it worried me that he didn't say anything about his dad. "Maybe next month? We've missed a lot of school days." He added and put his hand on my thigh.

I Love Her. / Theodore Nott X YnWhere stories live. Discover now