19. Theodore

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I groaned and turned off my alarm, we had to get up early to go back to hogwarts, I rolled over and somehow Yn had slept through the blaring alarm. "Time to wake up." I ordered gently and kissed her forehead. She grumbled and squeezed her eyes shut, turning away from me. I chuckled and threw a pillow at her, she jolted awake and scowled at me, "Morning, sunshine." I said and grinned at her.

Yn fought back a smile, I walked over to her side of the bed and hugged her. She smiled and stared up at me, I kissed her nose and brushed her hair behind her ears.

Even after she just woke up, she was as beautiful as ever. "Three days until I see my dad." Yn blurted out, obviously she had been thinking about it a lot. "You nervous?" I wondered and caressed her arm.

"I mean, I haven't seen him sober in- I don't even know how long. So I guess I am nervous." She explained. I nodded and released started picking up clothes off the floor and loading them into my suitcase. "That's okay, I'll be right there with you." I assured her. She gave me a half smile, still anxious.

"What if he wants something from me?" Yn stated quietly, I could see that she was over thinking it. "You'd rather know, right?" I pointed out. She shrugged, "Yeah." Was all she let out.

I stared at her for a moment before going back to packing my suitcase.

After I got done, I stood up and started helping Yn with her stuff. She brought a ton, "Did you really need all of this?" I questioned and put her 7th hairbrush in the suitcase. "Yes, I always lose my hairbrush, so I need multiple." She argued, but she had a soft smile on her face.

After we were both packed, I picked up both of our bags and carried them to the car. Yn was staying close by me, she seemed more clingy then usual. "Everything okay?" I asked. "Yeah." She said quietly and wrapped her arm around mine.

I opened the back door for her, since Pansy and Blaise were taking the front. "Are you riding in the back too?" Yn looked at me with pleading eyes. "Of course," I answered and tilted my head at her, wondering what she was thinking.

Yn just looked away. I raised an eyebrow and got in after her. I scooted closer to her and interlaced my fingers with herd, she gave me a half smile and leaned her head on my shoulder.

The anxiety was radiating off of her, I didn't really know what to do. I squeezed her hand two times just to let her know that I'm still here.


It was a long couple of days, Yn had been going insane. It was Tuesday, the day we were supposed to meet her father.

She paced back and forth and chewed her nails, "What if he doesn't like me?" She worried and stared off into space with her eyebrows drawn together.

I stood up and wrapped my arms around her waist as she stared at herself in the mirror and I placed my head in between her shoulder and neck. "Yn, it'll be alright. He has no right to not like you, you're a wonderful woman and if he doesn't see that, there's obviously something wrong with him." I assured her.

I spun her around by her hips and looked down, "You know..." I started, "I really am sorry about, you know, everything."

Yn gave me a nervous smile and put her hands on my cheeks and stared up at me, "None of its your fault. My father could've tried harder to get a job." She stated and placed a soft kiss on my lips.

"Me and him were never really close but, it still hurt, you know?" She reminisced. "I tried so hard to get us back to how our family used to be but, it never worked." Yn whispered sadly.

I pulled her close to my chest and ran my fingers through her hair, "I'm sorry." I repeated quietly.

After a while, she took a deep breath and pulled away, "I guess we better go." She stated and slipped a jacket on. I sighed and grabbed my keys, following after her.

I Love Her. / Theodore Nott X YnOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora